Dates Dates and more Dates

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When I woke up it was 5:30am. I couldn't go back to sleep so I went to my living room and started to play Halo.
My phone started to buzz. I looked at it. I had 2 unread text messages from Gavin and Joel.

Gavin : " hey sexy wanna play?"

Joel:" why are you up? you should be asleep!"

Lorelle:" I wasn't tired... Plus I was bored. What about you Joel?"

Lorelle:" you bet your British ass i do !"

Joel:" I go to work early,"

Lorelle:" oh, interesting,"

Joel:" Yeah,"

Lorelle:" That's cool,"

It was really hard to text Joel, while playing Halo with Gav. Gav kept kicking my ass at Halo. I was beginning to get angry when finally I killed Gav. I was so happy that I accidentally tossed my controller across the room.
I looked shocked. I just killed Gav and I tossed my controller across the room. I got up and grabbed my controller.
I looked at the clock on my fridge. It read 7:35am. I turned off my Xbox and texted Gav.

Lorelle:" Sorry, I had to get off, I'll see ya at work"

I turned my phone off, and went to take a shower. I showered. Dried my hair, put on eyeliner and mascara, and went to get dressed. I picked out a black tank top and light jeans. I put on some old converse and a dark black and grey hoodie. I heard my phone buzz.

I looked at it my phone. Gav had texted me.

Gavin:" awww please don't go....."

Gavin :" you left me ;( alone in halo..... "

Lorelle :" Awww Gav I'm sorry, I had to get ready for work."

Gavin:" it's ok, when r u goingto be @ the office?"

Lorelle:" Like in 5 minutes"

Gavin : "Great I'll see you there"

That was the last text I got from Gavin. Till I got to the office.

When I got to the office Gavin ran out of the door from Micheal who was fucking pissed off at Gavin. Gavin ran behind me, and said
"Help me," I looked at Michael.

I sighed
"What did he do now?" I asked Michael.
"He deleted the rage quit video footage," I looked at Gav.
It was dumb, me and Michael could just record on tonight when everyone left.
"Gav you idiot," I said gently smacking him on the back of his head.
" Michael let's just record one tonight after everyone has left, I think Gus and Burnie have some important conference thing all day." I said looking sorry.
"Fine, but I still want to rip Gavin's head off." Michael grumbled as he walked away.
Gavin stopped hiding and stood next to me.
"Thanks," he said.
"No problem," I said back. Gavin, leaned in next to me and pulled me into the most amazingly warm hug ever. I felt safe. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close.
I love him, but I wouldn't tell him. I took a deep breath and smelled an intoxicating scent that made my heart melt. I pulled away just a little and I kissed Gav on the cheek. Gav blushed and looked at me, I smiled back at him. Gav tightened his grip around me. I smiled. Gav and I let go eachother. Just as I was about to start walking, Gavin grabbed my arm, and kissed me. I was supprised at first but that didn't last long. I deepened the kiss. I didn't want it to end but I ended it. I didn't want to get my hopes up for someone who I could never have. I broke kiss and looked at Gavin. He was smiling ear to ear. I smiled and ran into the Annex building. I flew to my desk area and began working. I needed to get over Gavin and fast.
Lindsay came into the office and saw I was nearly in tears. "What's wrong?" Lindsay said as she sat down at her desk.
" I ... Kissed ... Gavin, and I kissed Joel last night and I don't know who I like." I admitted.
Lindsay got up and hugged me. She pulled away and looked at me.
"You kissed Joel?!!" she asked looking shocked.
I nodded yes and bit my lip. Lindsay sat back in her chair and looked like she was thinking really hard about something. I dried my eyes and went to check on my makeup while Lindsay was thinking. While walking out of the bathroom I bumped into Joel.
"Oh! I'm sorry Joel" I said.
"It's fine," Joel replied.
I continued on my way back to the control room. I heard Joel sigh. I felt bad. Joel wanted me. I wanted Joel, but I wanted Gavin, and Gavin wanted me. Oh why must I like both of them... why ? I hesitated. 'Should I stay and talk with Joel or should I go back to work?' I thought to myself. I groaned out loud. I wasn't going to talk to Joel or Gavin, until I figured out my feelings. I walked faster back to my desk. Lindsay was spinning around in her chair.
"Why the happy face?" I asked.
"Michael invited me out on a date!" she said with a huge smile.
"When are you going out?" I asked.
I was hoping that Lindsay and Michael would be happy for a long time .
"Tonight after he finishes that rage quit video that Gav fucked up." Lindsay said. "Yeah, I'm happy for you
Lindsay." I said smiling.
Lindsay and I went about our day. Around 4pm almost everyone went out to lunch except Gavin, Joel and Me. Gavin was busy editing a Let's Play, and Joel was busy recording Caboose lines. I wasn't doing anything, so I went to the break room. I opened the fridge. I grabbed a bottle of water, and saw someone in the corner of my eye. I turned and saw Joel leaning in the doorway.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," Joel replied.
"Do you want to get that drink tonight?'' Joel asked.
"Yeah, that'd be great. I have to stay after work and help Michael but after that sure." I said.
Joel smiled. I walked up to him and tried to move my way around him. He wouldn't move. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. I blushed. Before I could do anything Joel was walking away. Gavin walked into the break room, and looked at me.
"You're blushing to high heaven love," commented Gavin.
I blushed harder. I covered my face.
"Oh my gosh," I replied.
"You know your cute when you blush, and I kinda like it." Gav said.
I blushed harder and bit my lip. Gav walked over to the fridge and took out Michael's leftover lunch. He took it out and poured a bitch load of salt into it. I looked stupid with my mouth open.
"Gav? Are you sure you want to do that?" I asked cautiously. Gav nodded.
"Oh God, " I said walking away.
Before I got very far Gav ran to catch up to me.
"So what are you doing later tonight?"
"I'm going on a date after I fix that rage quit you screwed up. And you?" I asked
"You're going on a date? with who?" Gav asked sounding a little crushed.
"With a guy." I said, I didn't wanna creep Gav out saying I was going on a date with Joel.
Gav became either ticked off or really sad because he stopped and turned and walked upstairs. I was going to go after him but instead I walked to the Achievement Hunter office. I sat down at Gavin's desk, and began to sing.

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