Tears Of Sadness

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Nov 30 2013

Chapter 7
Tears of Sadness

The plane ride was pretty boring, nothing interesting happened. Geoff picked up both Gavin and I. Geoff dropped me off at my apartment, with Hunner and Archie. I took my bag upstairs and instantly crashed into my nice warm bed. I fell asleep with Hunner by my feet and Archie in my lap.
I woke up at 5 am, and got ready for work. Once I was out of the shower, I realized that I had 5 text messages.

One was from Michael, 2 were from Gavin, and the last 2 were from Miles.

Michael:" Hey short fry!! You coming to the office today or are u and the dumb Brit banging?"

Lorelle:" Hey !! No!!! Of course I'm coming!! I've missed you way to much !!"

Gavin:" Good morning Love,"

Gavin :" Can you bring my clothes to work please,? "

Lorelle:" Haha yes I will, Good morning to you too,"

Miles:" Aww!! My baby's grown up and getting married !!"

Miles:" jk just so happy for you!! You, Arryn, Lindsay, and Barb are so going dress shopping!"

Lorelle:" Miles, you sound so much like a girl. But thank you, it means a lot to me. "

I looked at my clock and started to leave for work. I arrived at the office with plenty of time to spare. No one was in the AH office, so I decided to leave Gav's clothes under his desk in a bag. I left him a cute little note taped to his monitor telling him where they were.

After leaving the note I went to work, working with Miles. The day proceeded as normal and as the end of the day rolled around Lindsay found me, and we discussed our weddings and all that other girly shit. We were both very happy. Lindsay's wedding date was almost here. We talked about everything from the color of our dresses to the types of flowers we would carry. Lindsay even told me all about her family that was coming. Before we could finish our convo we had to leave. I was glad I had to go because I couldn't talk about my family. It would have been to painful. Once i got home Gavin pulled me into a hug.
"What's wrong love ?" He asked. That one damn question brought tears to my eyes. Gavin didn't know about my past. He didn't know a lot about me. I started to cry. I sighed and walked us over to the couch. I took a deep breath before I started to speak.

"My parents died in a car crash on the way to the hospital. My mom was pregnant with me , and I was born premature. I have no other family members alive. I lived in a foster home all my life no one cared about me and they beat me till I was 17. When I was 18 I ran away. I got a job and slept on the streets. I saved up enough to move to Texas. RT was my only hope. If not I would have killed myself. With out RT I wouldn't have met you," I looked at Gavin.
He wasn't moving. He was just staring at me.
"Please say something," I pleaded. Gavin continued to stay silent.
" Gav I understand if you don't wanna marry me. I'll understand. I really will. I'll understand that no one wants me. " I said looking down.
Gav put his hand under my chin and made me face him.
"No, only a few months ago you were wanting to end your life!! If you didn't get this job I wouldn't have met the most amazing girl in the world. I'm sorry about your past and your parents. I love you and I never want to lose you." Gavin said hugging me.
I cried into his shoulder for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, Gav picked up bridal style and carried me to bed. He made me strip into my bra and panties. He then grabbed me a pair of shorts and a tank top. I changed and crawled into bed. Gav stripped as well and climbed in. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we fell asleep with each other.

••• A/N So sorry it was short. It'll be longer next time. I think. If you like this then please please please vote comment and rate. It means so much to me if you guys like the stories or not.  •••

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