Chapter 3: Unexpected Visitor (Changed)

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Where is he?

I swallowed the lump that kept on finding a way to form in my throat. Very slowly I scanned his room for any signs of--of anything being off! My heart started to beat harshly against my chest at seeing that. Nothing. Was. Out. Of. Place.

This isn't right. Is it? "A-Am I..", I trailed off in a panicked stutter.

Was this all a paranoid figment of my imagination? "Why can't I just let go?", I mumbled. With wobble knees and shaking legs I stumbled across my current lover's room and fell on his bed. Brox's sweet scent wafted off from his blanket and that gave me an odd sense of undeniable comfort. I buried my face into the comforter and squeezed my hands into tight fists as I let the tears escape my eyes. It wasn't long before the sobs of agony parted from my mouth.

All of this was too much. M-Maybe I should just go back home.. My big brother will make me feel better. He knows how--Because I can never forget about that physco.


'Step!' 'Step!' Exhausted I lifted my head up from Brox's head.

"Brox?", I hoarsely whispered. Was he hear? Why didn't he show up to school? The fear I felt for Brox's safety had transformed into my pity fest of not being able to forget my past, has now transferred into burning hot anger. How could Brox just not call me! I know that we aren't the clingy couple but he knows how I can get!

I rolled onto my back and sat up before I furiously rubbed at my wet eyes. "Tsk". Immediately I froze on my spot. At the feel of cool hands touching, grabbing a hold of my wrists, my blood ran cold. Automatically I tried to yank my wrists from out of his grip, but as predicted he was too strong for me. Rapidly I blinked my eyes to clear them of their blurry vision; at the same time I didn't want to do that because I know who'd be before me. I couldn't not face the main reason for my nightmares.

His eyes sparkled with a look that deeply haunts me.

"Baby, my honey. You have betrayed me". He brought his face closer towards mine, out of reaction I moved mine away from his. He growled in fury and jerked me towards him. I recoiled and whimpered at the feel of his hands clenching tightly around my wrists. My injured one burned like hell. I clenched ky teeth and gasped out in deep agony.

"And how stupid was I to believe", began Byran as he crawled on top of me. My insane ex-boyfriend had pinned my hands against Brox's bed while he straddled my waist and eyed me with lust clearly written in his dark green eyes. Now they held so much venom and many dark torturing promises.

 Byran bowed his head to teasingly brush his lips across my lips, before he mockingly licked my lower and top lip. I kept them sealed shut. He wasn't going to get his way. I wouldn't let him. He chuckled at my stubborn and fearful behavior. "That my true love would patiently wait for me to get out. Here I thought that you'd be with me until we died. Or was I wrong?", asked Byran with sad menacing eyes. A sneer curled his upper lip backwards, it made me cringe at how pissed he was at me.

 "Byran, you know that I have never stopped loving you. It is just that--" Something cold and sharp pierced the bottom of my chin, it immediately shut me up. Please, please let this be a nightmare to wake from!

Shaking I breathed through my nose and stared up at the one that I had believed who would never harm me. How could I be so stupid? Love blinded me to-a-straight-deadly-tee. Byran used his left hand to dig the sharp object deeper into my chin. A chocked sob slithered through my pursued lips; the burning fire of my skin being ripped apart brought tears to my eyes, and it had panic strike my heart into going into over drive.

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