Chapter 2: Incomprehensible?

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"Yes babe", Bryan huskily whispered.

This isn't a dream. He killed Brox. Tears of fear leaked from out of my eyes. I gave my insane ex lover what he needed the most. What he desired after I left him that one night three years ago.

My. Cries. He thrived on them.

Unconsciously my entire body began to shake uncontrollably and a more loud scream filled with nothing but agonizing pain slithered from out of my throat; which only got worse when Bryan twist the knife in my palm from the right to the left, and then he'd pull it out just a tiny bit to get me to gasp and choke out a desperate whimper.

Bryan stopped messing with the knife.

A small amount of relief had washed through me.

'BANG!' Startled I jumped at the sound of my door flying open. "You cannot escape me, Samuel. You're mine. These love marks I've left you prove that", Bryan hissed into my ear before he harshly bit it. I couldn't tell anymore if I was shivering or shaking because they've become one.

This was torture.

"Sam!" Exclaimed a familiar voice. Sam? Who is Sam?

"Make them leave us, babe", Bryan calmly ordered. Oh no. He's going to kill them if I don't!

"Leave!", I cried out in a hoarse voice. A sharp sting on my left cheek burned.

Did Bryan hit me? No. He's hugging me from behind.... Then-'Slap!'

Automatically my eyes flew open from the newfound pain. I gasped for air and rapidly blinked my eyes to see nothing but a blinding light. "No. No. No. Brox!", I rasped out. I felt myself being sternly shaken by a strong force. "Stop Bryan! Stop! Pl-Please don't finish me off!" I sobbed.

I'm at the hospital. I can smell disinfectant and the room is white. Brox is gone. I shook my head. He can't leave me! He promised not too!

"SAM!" Yelled Jayne. Jayne....Jayne. I forced myself to reopen my eyes to see my older brother looking at me with deep worry and glassy eyes.

"Sam..I'm not him, okay? I love you", Jayne said as he pulled me into a hug. Bryan's not here. He's gone. Okay, okay. Calm down. I told myself.

'But Brox', my conscience reminded me. Shaking my head I tried to push Jayne away from me. "I need to find Brox! I need to see him!"

"No you won't, Sam". Before I could start to panic some more he rushed out the reason why. "Because he is at home asleep like you just were". Asleep at home?

"I'm still home?" I asked, unsure.

"Yes Sam you are. You just had a nightmare, okay?" Jayne rubbed circles into my back. He wanted to comfort me. I wanted to calm down. But how could I? I have this nasty feeling in my gut that didn't want to go away. And if I had a nightmare it felt so real. Too real.

With trembling hands I grabbed onto his shirt and hurried my face into his chest. "You can let it all out, Sam. I should've been there for you", Jayne said in a guilt filled voice. Yes he blamed himself for not being there for me that night.

It wasn't his fault. It was mine for leaving him.

No, no, it wasn't.

Jayne let me hold onto him for awhile before he gently pushed me away from him and laid me down on my bed. "Everything is okay. You'll be fine". He got up from my bed and wondered over to my dresser to pick up my prescribed medication. He opened the pill bottle and gave me a pill. "Here Sam". I took the pill from him and popped it into my mouth before I dry swallowed it.

Don't Scream: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now