Chapter 5: Continue Those Competitive Lies (Changed)

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Water. Turn on the shower.  

It was difficult to pull myself away from Ana; I had found the will within myself to do it. She gave me a skeptical look when I turned me back on her to turn on the bathroom's shower. I twisted the knob all of the way onto steaming hot water. I ignored the shaking in my hands and legs. "Sammy?" A humorless laugh flowed passed my lips. Sammy. Sammy, oh am I Sammy?

"Ana", I swallowed back the huge lump that had formed inside of my throat. "Who's this Sammy you chose to speak of?"

 She didn't answer me. I could feel more tears daring to leak out of the corners of my eyes.

"Samuel". Ah, there's the finality in her sweet angelic voice. I hung my head low before I placed my hand in the burning hot water, it burned my skin and turned it a brilliant shade of crimson red. "Samuel!" Screamed Byran. The urgency and fear in his voice had out ranked Brox's. Is my boyfriend even here?

Why should the imbecile lunatic care for my being? He killed those I knew. He wanted to murder me for not being there...with him.

"Samuel please!" Shouted Ana, guilty. Why was she penitent for?

Very softly I started to hum to a tune that used to make me feel better when I was younger and things weren't as fúcked up as they are now. Ana grabbed onto my shoulders and she yanked me away from the hot running shower. Her words failed to be comprehensible and coherent through my fuzzy mind. She was sobbing into my chest. She had her trembling hands fisted into my shirt as it was her banker to live. I'm not. She doesn't need me. I..need...

 Finally the shouting and banging; all of the noises that jumbled my cranium had faded into a dull low ring in my ears.

Absentmindedly I twirled a piece of her hair around my fingers; I'd roll them into tiny balls before letting them spin out into soft waves. "Stop bawling, child", I slurred my words as if drunk.

"Samuel, why?" She pleaded. Because it's just right. But I couldn't bring myself to tell her those words.

 "Everything's fine, Ana. Go call Sam". She lifted her up and glared at me through tear filled eyes. 'Smack!'

"I hate you Samuel!"

A light tap on my right shoulder had me jump in surprise. Ana had these fierce determined expression dripping all over her face. "We'll get you out of here. I can help", she promised. Keep to it, Ana. She kissed me on the lips before she moved away.

 "I am sorry, I love you". Don't lie. "Okay".

 Ana rose to her feet, she cupped the both of my cheeks, and her gaze never wavered from mine. "We need to leave Samuel". Leave?


'Bang!' Ana and I jumped when the bathroom door flew open and fell off of its hinges. My anxiety went high up when I saw Brox and Byran standing side by side. Brox was dressed in casual regular dark maroon shirt with the sleeves torn off, with a pair of faded navy blue washboard jeans. Byran had on a lab coat?

Where's his bizzare appearance? Was I hallucinating? "Ana?" She flashed me a weak small smile before she threw a zebra printed glass soap dispenser at Brox. Byran flew into the bathroom and he tackled her onto the ground. "Don't touch her!"

Without a second thought; I punched Byran straight in his nose, before I kicked him hard in his stomach. He stumbled off of Ana. I quickly pulled her up with my good hand, only to be shoved out of the way. Brox had advanced on Ana when I had tore my attention from his hunched over form. "Samuel run!"

Run. I need to run! No I can't leave her! A surge of panic that grew into anger invaded my being. Uncaring to what will happen to me I went over to Brox and I kicked him in his back. He stumbled forward and slammed his head into the sink when Ana had rolled out of the way. My new ex crashed out the ground withering in pain.

Ana took my hand and she dragged me from the bathroom, down the stairs, through the living room, and straight outside of Brox's house. We ran like the hell hounds were after us. I'd call the police but they wouldn't believe me. Again went that sharp pain.

"Ana, how'd you know Brox was.." I didn't dare finish my sentence as we ran.

Ana laughed under her breath. "Are you kidding me?" She shook her head. "Everytime that I mentioned you he'd get this odd flicker in his eyes, or he'd have this dark expression cloud over his face".

 Brox was after me. Byran wanted me to lock me in a room where no one could find me. Ana was the only one I could partly trust. The girl mentioned jerked me behind a huge nearby bush. Before I could question her on her bizzare behavior she said, "I heard something". What'd she hear? Why not me? "Stay here, Sam. If you hear me scream you take off".  

 I felt my chest construct harshly against my chest when she had left my side. Her leaving had felt final. It hurt. It all hurts. "SAMUEL RUN!"

 She's gone. Don't disappear. "Stay with me, Ana".


Has been changed and somewhat edited. XDeprivedtearsX

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