Chapter 4 : Rescued, Strange Feelings Felt (Changed)

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Brox. Doesn't. Believe. Me. Why? Why would he--I mean.. Wasn't a relationship supposed to be based on trust? I know that I'm not a great person to be around with after Byran, but-but what? He was there that night that Byran went all blood thirsty. He had saved me. Right? He still cares for me, right?

His eyes were dark and unfocused when he had flashed me a small smile, before he set me back onto my feet and went to go speak to the authorities. . His words are being said in hushed whispers as he talked to the cops a couple of feet away from me. They kept glancing my way as if they don't buy a single thing I had said earlier. Am I losing it, again?

No no I can't. It's not right, is it? I can't be going crazy! I-If I do--"I need a paramedic over here!" Shouted the female cop from earlier. My head swam with mental images of Byran exiting Brox's house with a black handgun in his hands. There's blood all over his torn in half shirt from the chest below. Claws marks adorned his skin as he stared at me with a menacing dark grin. His dark eyes held a promise of so much torture.

"Inhale and exhale. Do you hear me?" Spoke an old familiar voice that used to make my heart beat in a strange rhythm and it made my palms sweaty. But who? Darkness invaded my vision before I could decipher who that voice belonged too.

Touch. Didn't he touch me? Byran. Where'd you go? "I love you my innocent Samuel", purred my ex-lover into my left ear.

'Beep!' 'B-Beep!' Bright lights of white blinded me. I threw my right arm over my eyes to shield them from the white light. White light? "Sam Sam." I could feel my breath hitch inside of my throat at that old nickname of mine. The tears I felt gathering up in my eyes spilled the minute I felt a sweet caressing touch, it gently removed my arm from my line of vision. Ocean blue eyes that remind me of a salt less ocean and a clear blue sky stared right into the depths of mine.

Choppy crimson red razor-spiked hair was wet and laying flat all around his boyish face. He hasn't changed one bit. "Ph-Phelix?" I stuttered, breathless. He shot me one of his known for sad smiles. Bewildered at whom I'm seeing I lifted up my right hand and I softly touched his bottom lip. In response to my touch he parted his lips open and he flickered his tongue out to--Harshly I sunk my teeth into my tongue to stop myself from making an embarrassing noise.

"You always do that. Don't you?" Asked my old friend. He was the one that had caught my attention years ago. He had brought forth the feelings of my love for guys. "Why did you leave?" As if he was slapped in the face Phelix glared at the hospital sheet that's covering me.

"The same reason why you have a mark on your inner wrists, Sam". What?! 

 Phelix quickly caught onto my hands and he held them in an uncomfortable fierce grip. He shut his eyes closed and breathed harshly through his nose. "Don't listen to them, Samuel. You are not crazy". Laughed Phelix.

Who said i was crazy? Who's them! "Byran' he.." I whimpered at the way Phelix dug his nails into my skin. "If you can feel and see.. Then yes he pretty much is". Phelix, you're not making any sense to me. I wanted to tell him those words, but they didn't want to leave my mouth. 

 Phelix leaned forward to brush his lips across my forehead in a feathery kiss before he pulled away. He let go of my hands and took a step back away from the hospital bed. He dusted off his black tuxedo jacket and he flashed me a 'promising' half smile. "Don't forget Sam Sam." Were his parting words.  




Why does my whole body hurt? "Nn", I whimpered. My heavy eyelids finally opened when I heard the sound of soft voices getting closer to me. It was difficult to sit up but I had found the will to do so. I ignored the awful pain that was striking inside of my stomach like someone had stabbed me there with a thousand pens. Ugh, this sucks.

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