Chapter 4 cringe

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**Jacobs POV**

I honestly didn't know what I was doing. (*is high*) First I'm talking to Taylor, then I'm kissing her. And it wasn't just a regular kiss, it was an amazing one. (Did it involve tacos????) Her lips moved in synch with mine as our lips crashed. (FUCK THIS SHIT IM DONE WTF THAT IS THE MOST CLICHE THING IVE EVER READ IM CRINGING OKAY YOUR LIPS ARENT FUCKING CARS) I loved her. (Gotta mcr) I didn't want to tell her that because I was afraid she would reject me, (oh it's not like she paid hundreds of dollars to see your fucking face) and I couldn't risk that.

**5 Minutes later**

We stopped kissing and just stared into each others eyes. (*awkward silence*) I couldn't believe I had fallen in love with one of my fans. (What a special snowflake) But she was just too beautiful to resist. Her soft, auburn hair, her bright blue eyes. Just too beautiful. (She's fake) Then she broke the silence.

"You're amazing. You are so sweet and nice and.....a pretty good kisser!" I chuckled.

"Well, you are beautiful and I never want to let you go." (Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, I barely met you, get the fuck awayyy)

She stared at me. We laid on the couch and she soon fell asleep. (Damn I wish I could fall asleep in the matter of 3 seconds even though they were sucking each other's faces off two minutes ago) Her head on my chest while little soft snores came from her mouth. (I snore like a pig wtf this is sorcery) I too soon fell asleep beside her.

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