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Episode 22

Today is the day.

Selena: *Wakes up and gets dressed* {Outfit: Vine Black Under, H&M Jacket, j? Skinny Jeans, Hot Black Cruchet Heels}

Justin: "Hey beautiful." *Kisses her cheek*

Selena: "Hey. Are you ready for today?"

Justin: "Yup. What about you?"

Selena: "I'm kinda nervous. I mean what if something goes wrong? What if I do something wrong? What if someone gets hurt? What if..."

She gets cut off by Justin kissing her.

Justin: *Pulls away* "Don't worry. You'll be great."

Selena: "Ok."

Ariana: "Hey. Hey." {Outfit: pink polar dress, pink Cruchet heels}

Kevin: "I'm so pumped."

Christian: "Yeah buddy."

Demi: "Let's kick some ass." {Outfit: red stripped tank top, black skinny jeans, red heels}

Selena: *Laughs. High fives Demi.* "We are totally gonna kick their sorry ass."

Justin: *Confused* "Hey what happened? Before you were so nervous and now you are so confident."

Selena: "Oh those were just nerves. I always get them before going on a mission."

Demi: "Yeah. After those nerves are gone she back to being her old, conceited,..."

Ariana: "Confident, teasing self."

Demi: *High-fives Ariana* "Yeah buddy."

Christian: "Hey! That's my line!"

Demi: "Oh boo hoo."

Ariana: "Go cry yourself a river..."

Selena: "Then go build a bridge."

Selena,Demi,Ariana: "AND GET OVA IT!"

Selena: "Yes! Demi, we have corrupted Ariana."

Demi: "OMG! Yay!"

Kevin: "NO! My finacee has been corrupted."

Christian: "I know how you feel man. Demi has benn corrupted by Sel."

Selena: *Rolls her eyes* "Oh please. I have corrupted Demi ever since we were little. When she moved, the corrupted Demi disappeared."

Demi: "But then Selena came again and brought the corrupted, more fun, and crazy Demi back!"

Justin: "It is amazing that one girl is able to corrupt someone in a matter of minutes."

Demi: "30 seconds actually. That her record."

The Boys: "WHAT!"

Selena: *Shrugs* "I'm a beast."

Christian: "Who did you corrupt in 30 seconds?"

Kevin: "How did you do it?"

Justin: When did it happen?"

Selena: "It was a 18 year old girl named Annabelle. She was hurt over some stupid jerk that dumped her for a slut. That is before I came along. I'm not gonna tell you how I did it. Mainly because you guys work for the FBI and CIA. I did it last year I believe."

Justin: "It wasn't anything illegal was it?"

Selena: "Ummm... Well..."

Demi: "SELENA!"

Selena: "Chill. I was joking. It wasn't anything illegal."

Ariana: "Oh good. I was worried for a moment."

Selena: "No it was nothing illegal. See during the 30 seconds I told her the plan and she was corrupted. Then, we went out to do the plan. Her ex-boyfriend was so surprised and regreted what he did."

Justin: *Listening with awe* "Is there anything you can't do?"

Selena: "Yes actually."

Justin: "What's that?"

Selena: 'I don't know how to play badminton, lacrosse, or croquet."

Justin: "Well they're not that common."

Selena: "True."

Kevin: "Come on let's go eat before we leave for the plan."

Demi: "Good idea."

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