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{A/N: I know some of you guys are wondering if Justin and Selena are a couple yet. They aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. YET! ;D }
Chapter 26
It is morning and 2 more months until Chad and Brooklyn's wedding. Today they are going back to Washington D.C. It is currently morning. Selena wakes up and finds herself cuddled up to Justin. Justin woke up already is watching T.V.
Justin: *Looks down* "Morning beautiful."
Selena: "Good morning." *She cuddles even closer to Justin.* "When are we leaving?"
Justin: "At 3."
Selena: "What time is it now?"
Justin: "11."
Selena: "Ok." *Gets up and goes to the bathroom she gets ready* "Justin?"
Justin: "Yeah."
Selena: *Walks out in only a towel* "Can you choose my outfit?"
Justin: *Walks to her closet* "I don't see the point. I think you should just go out in that towel."
Selena: "Yeah, so a bunch of perverted mind guys can stare and drool and..."
Justin: "Well, you better change." *Gives her clothes*
Selena: "I thought so." *Changes* {Outfit: H&M Jacket, Slim Jeans, MA Boots}
Justin: "HOT!"
Selena: "Thanks."
Justin: "Let's go." *Puts an around her shoulders*
They go get some breakfast.
Demi: "Well, hello." {Outfit: ICHI Jebb Top, Toni Tailured Blazer, Motto Black Skinny Jeans, Fustenburg High Heels}
Selena: "Hey." *Goes to get breakfast.*
Justin sits down at the table with his breakfast.
Demi: "So when are you going to ask Selena out?"
Justin: "What? Why would I ask her out?"
Christian: "Dude. Are you stupid?"
Demi: "Yeah. We all know that you are in love with the Selena Marie Gomez."
Christian: "And you're to stupid to see that she is in love with you as well."
Justin: "Really?"
Demi: "Yup."
Justin: "I'll think about it."
Demi and Christian facepalm. Ariana and Kevin soon joins them.
Ariana: "I am here. Your life just got better." {Outfit: Spot Blouse, Hudson Jeans,  Paris Suede Shoes}
Demi: *Teasingly* "Nah. I think my life was better before." *Smirks*
Ariana: "Ouch. That hurt." *Puts her hand on the right side of her chest*
Selena walks over with a coffee in her hand.
Selena: "I don't know what happened, but Ariana sweetheart. Your heart is on the other side."
Ariana: "Oh." *Moves her hand to her heart*
Everyone laughs.
Kevin: "Come on. Lets go get our suitcases. We gotta leave."
They go get their suitcases.

(At the Airport)
Selena: "I can't believe it. 2 more months till the wedding."
Demi: "We still have to go look for dresses."
Ariana: "And heels."
Selena: "And accessories."
Ariana: "We still have to help Brooklyn look for her dress and her bridesmaid dresses."
Demi: "So MUCH WORK!"
Justin: "We gotta get tuxedos."
All the boys groan. Soon, they board their flight. A few hours later they are back at Washington D.C in the FBI HQ.
Chad: "Congragulations to Justin and Selena for completing their mission and finally catching Randy!"
Brooklyn: "Hello. My name is Brooklyn." *Talking to Selena because everyone else knows her*
Selena: "I'm Selena."
Brooklyn: *Eyes widen* "THE Selena Gomez. You are like one of the top spies on the world."
Selena: "Aw. Thanks. I'm not that good."
Justin: "Yes you are." *Puts an arm around Selena*
Brooklyn: "AWWWWW! You guys are such a cute couple."
Justin and Selena quickly pull away.
Selena: "We...um...we aren't a couple."
Brooklyn: "Oh..."
Justin: "Yeah. We aren't dating."
Brooklyn: "Oh."
Christian: "Awkward."
Everyone then starts laughing.
Selena: "Well. I'm going to go to sleep. I'm so tired." *Goes to bed*
Justin: *Knocks on Selena's door*
Selena opens the door in a towel.
Justin: "Can I come in?"
Selena: "Sure."
Justin sits on the bed. Selena sits next to Justin. Justin pulls her onto his lap.
Selena: "So what did you need?"
Justin: "I couldn't sleep."
Selena: *Looks at him* "Oh. And why is that?"
Justin: "I didn't get my goodnight kiss."
Selena: *Kisses him*
Justin: *Kisses back*
Selena: *Pulls away* "Well, good night."
Justin: *Pouts* "But I have no one to cuddle with."
Selena: "Then, sleep with me."
Justin: "Great."
Selena: "I'm gonna change."
Justin: "Why can't you sleep in your towel?"
Selena: *Rolls her eyes*
Justin: *Chuckles. He takes off his shirt*
Selena: *Grabs Justin's shirt and put it over her bra and underwear*
Justin: "You look so hot in my shirt."
Selena: *Giggles. Cuddles up to Justin* "Night Justin." *Kisses his cheek*
Justin: "Night beautiful." *Kisses her forehead*

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