UNDERCOVER 2 Chapter 1

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UNDERCOVER 2- Chapter 1

(Alex Russo's POV [AKA Selena]:
{Outfit: Black Villa Lowa, Black Skinny Jeans, Black Snickers, 25 Full Black Bangle Bracelets, Black Wing Ring, Mustache Earings, Black Island River Beanie Hat} Money...Money...Where are you? Oh there's the safe. I unlock the safe with ease. Honestly, I would think they would try to make the security harder to crack, when there are people out there who are expert lock pickers. I'm Alex Russo. I have brown hair. I have brown eyes but I use blue contacts. My original identity is Selena Gomez. I am 22 years old. I only wear blue contacts when I'm undercover as Alex Russo. I am one of the top spies in the world as Selena Gomez. As Alex Russo, I am one of the top criminals in the world. I am on every single law enforcement's most wanted listed. In fact, I am must likely number 1 on every list. Of course the only reason I'm so good at it is because I'm a spy as well. I don't remember anything that has happened 3 years ago and before that. I don't remember who my family members are. I do remember that they are dead though. I don't work for anyone when I work as a spy. However, I work for Ian when it comes to the crimes and undercover thing and I become Alex Russo. Every law enforcement employer knows my name. It is something I am extremely proud of. I also have a boyfriend of 2 years named Nick Jonas. He works for Ian as well. Now back to what is happening. I am currently at the Bank of America headquarters in North Carolina. Of course I'm Alex Russo now. Selena Gomez is a spy who kill people, but doesn't commit crimes. Half the time, I kill criminals. Ironic isn't it. Of course people notice that Selena Gomez looks a lot like Alex Russo, but they are really stupid. I mean like I say my eyes are a different color and they believe me. Suckers. Of course, both of my identities are very well known. I put most of the money in the bag. Hey, just because I'm a criminal doesn't mean I'm heartless. I actually have a soul so I leave a couple of hundred-thousands in the bank. I leave but I accidentely trigger the alarm. I leave quickly out of the building and run towards my car. I speed out of there. Did I mention that Selena Gomez and Alex Russo are tied at number one in best drivers in the world? I take of my contacts and I quickly arrive at Ian's office and head in. I go in his office without knocking. Honestly, Ian doesn't care. I'm his best worker. I see my boyfriend, Nick sitting on the couch. I drop the extremely heavy bag of money and sit on Nick's lap. He immediately wraps his arm around my waist. End of POV)

Nick: "Hey beautiful. You look amazing."
Selena: "Aww. Thanks."
Ian: "Another job accomplished. I am so wealthy. All because of you two. My two best workers."
Selena: "No prob."
Nick: "It's our job."

(With the FBI Agents)
Justin and Christian are in the fighting arena. They are in the rink practicing. Justin eventually wins.
Christian: "Damn it. You won again!"
Justin: "I win every match I fight."
Christian: "Incorrect."
Justin: "What? When have I ever not win a fight?"
Christian: "Remember your first fight with Selena? That was a tie even though she flipped you. Oh the one after that was a tie. And the one after that. And that. Oh and the one after that she won. Then, you won after that one. But then it was a tie again and again and again and..."
Justin: "Okay! I got it. I have never lost a fight with the exception of the fights with Selena."
Christian: "I wonder where she is."
Justin: "2 years. It has been 2 years and we haven't heard anything about her."
Demi comes running towards them.
{Demi's Outfit: Day Cripped Cropped Top, Baxter Skinny Jeans, Feather Earings, Bangle Fern Leaves Bracelet, Christian Louboutin 5-inch High Heeled Shoes}
Justin looks at Demi's shoes.
Justin: "Damn. How does she run in that?"
Christian: "I honestly don't know."
Demi: "Justin! Christian! Chad needs us!"
They go to Chad's office.
Chad: "Ah. Justin, Christian, Demi. Sit down."
They sit.
Justin: "Where's Miley? Why isn't she here?"
Demi rolls her eyes.
Chad: "Because Miley has nothing to do with this. It is a very dangerous mission I'm putting you guys in charge of."
Justin: "What is it?"
Chad: "Ian is back and he has a new worker."
Christian: "Ok. So our mission is gonna be about Ian. It'll be easy. We force the new worker to tell us where Ian is and arrest him."
Chad: "NO! It is definitly NOT going to be that easy."
Demi: "Why not?"
Chad: "His new worker is a girl named Alex Russo. She is the top and one of the most dangerous criminal in the world. She is on every single one of the law enforcement most wanted list. In fact, she is probrably number 1."
Justin: "I can take her."
Chad: "I don't think so. Her defense and attack abilities are over the top. One of the best in the world. Best driver in the world. She beat you Justin. You are actually number 2."
Demi: "Whoa."
Chad: "She is the number 1 fighter in the world and number 1 shooter."
Christian: "Oh god."
Chad: "Oh and guess what? Alex Russo is tied for best driver with Selena Gomez. For best best fighter and shooter she is tied with Selena and you Justin."
Justin: "Selena? She's back?"
Chad: "Yup. And she is back on top. She is still the top spy in the world and she is now the best driver in the world tied with Alex."
Demi: "OMG! We have to look for her. Wait...How come she hasn't come back?"
Chad: "Well, there have been rumors that Selena suffers from amnesia."
Justin: "What!" He stand up.
Christian: "Why do you care? You moved on from her with Miley."
Justin: "I don't care." He sits back down looking at the floor.
Chad: "Great. Then you will be perfect for this job. I need you guys to get Alex Russo."
He slides a file towards them.
Chad: "All her information is here. If we get Alex, not only did we get the top criminal in world but we may have a source that can tell us about Ian and Selena."
Demi opens the file. She screams and drops the file.
Justin: "Demi! Are you ok?"
Demi picks up the file.
Demi: "Chad. Have you looked at the file yet?"
Chad: *Confused* "No. Why?"
Demi shows Chad the file. Chad looks extremly shocked. His eyes widen.
Christian: "What?" *Looks at the file* "Whoa! I don't believe it."
Justin: "What?" *Takes the profile*
On the file is a picture of Alex Russo. All her information is the same as Selena Gomez. {A/N: You guys know the reason. They don't.} 
Justin: "They are like twins."
Demi: "Yeah."
Christian: "Guys... What if..."
Justin: "No. It can't be. She would never work for Ian."
Demi: "But... One of the rumors say she suffers from amnesia. What if?"
Chad: "You guys are all over reacting. Selena has brown eyes. Alex has blue eyes."
They all check.
Demi: "Oh yeah. And look. Selena was born in Texas. Says here Alex was born in New York."
Justin: "That makes sense."
Christian: "Yeah. There are people in the world that look very similar."
Demi: "Honestly. I think her hair is gorgeous whether she is a criminal or not. She has amazing fashion taste. You can totally tell she doesn't need to wear alot of makeup."
They all look at her weirdly.
Demi: "What? I'm a girl. I notice these things."
Justin: "She's hot!"
Christian: "She isn't just hot. She is like totally above that."
Demi: "Usually I would smack Christian right now. But I have to agree. I mean she is like Selena. Natural beauty."
Chad: "Go talk about how good she looks outside of my office. And take the file too. I'll give you more information later."
They walk out. Miley comes and hugs Justin.
{Miley's Outfit: Hound Soouth Sooth Tube Top, Black Shorts, 4-Inch High Heeled Shoes}
Miley: "Justy... I miss you."
Justin: "You saw me this morning, Miley."
Demi rolls her eyes. She takes the file from Justin's hands and drags Christian away.

(Justin's POV:
I don't get it. Why don't my friends like Miley? I mean like she is a great person. She just dresses a bit slutty, but that's her fashoin taste. I know they are probrably mad at me for moving on from Selena 3 months after she disappeared but like I can't be single forever. Honestly. I think they need to accept Miley and give her a chance. They need to stop acting all bitchy. End of POV)

(With Selena)
She is in New York with Nick. They are talking and laughing. Then, Selena accidently bumps into someone. {A/N: When Selena is undercover as Alex I will put Alex's name instead.}
Selena: "Oh. I'm so sorry."
?: "It's fine." *Looks up.* "Selena? Selena is that you?"
Selena: "Um. Do I know you?"
?: "It's me. Ariana. You know your friend?"
Selena: *Shakes her head* "I'm sorry. I don't know who you are. Maybe you are looking for someone else."
Ariana: "No. It's you. We were on a mission together remember? Justin. Demi. Kevin. Christian."
Selena: "Look. Can you leave me alone? I don't know who you are."
Nick: "Look. Just leave my girlfriend alone. We just wanted to take a nice peaceful walk."
Selena: "Come on Nick. Let's just go."
They walk away.
Selena: "That was so weird."
Nick: "I know. Hey Selena."
Selena: "Yeah?"
Nick: *Stops*
Selena: "What's wrong Nick?"
Nick: "I love you."
Selena: *Smiles* "I love you too."
Nick: *Leans in and kisses Selena*
Selena: *Kisses back*
They pull away. They continue their walk. Ariana is in shock. She saw everything and isn't sure about anything anymore.

{Ariana's Outfit: Jack Wills Bilton Hoodie, Urban Pink Dance logo Tank Top, Pink Apparel Caprei Sweats, Max Footwear Pink Flip Flops}

(Ariana's POV:
OK. I'm so confused. Why doesn't Selena recognize me? Maybe that isn't our Selena. I quickly called Demi. "Hello."
"Hey Demi. Where are you?"
"I'm at the HQ with Christian at the cafe. Why?"
"I need to tell you something. I think I just saw Selena." End of POV)

(WIth Demi)
(Demi's POV:
I can't believe it. Did I hear right?
"You think you saw Selena?"
"See I'm in New York with Kevin for our break. I was going to get some groceries when I bumped into Selena. Or atleast who I think is Selena."
"What do you mean I think?"
"Well. She didn't recognize me. She was like I don't know who you are. I don't know you. I think you are looking at the wrong person."
"She looks a lot like Selena?"
Ariana: "Exactly like her. They could be twins." Hmm. Maybe it could be Alex. I thought about it. Then I asked her.
"Does she have blue eyes?"
"Nope. They are brown." Okay. So it wasn't Alex. But there can't be that much of a coincidence that 2 people in the world look exactly like Selena.
"Was she with anyone?"
"That's the weirder part. She was apparently with her boyfriend."
"Boyfriend!" I screamed. Everyone in the cafe looked at me. Christian looked at me as if asking what is going on.
"I know right." Ariana continued. "I think his name was like Nick or something. I even saw them kiss."
"This is so weird." I replied. Boyfriend. Selena had a boyfriend. Maybe it wasn't Selena.
"Well. I just called to tell you that. I honestly am still not talking to Justin because of the whole Miley situation. I got to go. Call me later" Ariana asked.
"Yeah. Bye." I hung up. "Christian." Christian looked at me. "I have some news. And it is extremely confusing. I start telling him everything I just heard. End of POV)

Christian: "So. Ariana saw a girl that looked like Selena that wasn't Alex?"
Demi: "Yup. She had brown eyes like Selena. Ariana even said they were the exact same as Selena."
Christian: "Whoa. Maybe there are 2 people in the world that look exactly like Selena."
Demi: "There could be. But unless they were all identical triplets or something it would be and impossible coincidence."
Christian: "And that Look alike Selena #2 has a boyfriend?"
Demi: *Nods* "What should we do"
Christian: "Nothing. Maybe it is just a coincidence. If Ariana sees that girl again, the we will do something."
Demi: "Let's hope so. I just wish Selena wasn't missing. It would save us from all this confusion."
Christian: "I wish so too. Let's hope this is all over soon."

Ok. Honestly. I have to say these people are stupid. Why didn't they look to see if Selena had her necklace her parents gave her? Fail. People can be so stupid. LOL! Look at me i'm insulting my own characters. I am so judgemental, but whatever. Hope you liked it.

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