UNDERCOVER 2 Chapter 15

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UNDERCOVER 2 Chapter 15

Justin: "DOCTOR!" The doctors come running into Selena's room.

Doctor: "What happened?"

Justin: "Her hand. She moved it."

Doctor: *Eyes widen. Smiles* "Well, Mr. Bieber, Ms. Gomez's condition is improving. She is showing signs that she will wake up very, very soon."

Justin: "Really?" *Smiles*

Doctor: "Yes. Hopefully it will only take a couple of days. The most it will take will probrably be a month."

Justin: "So...so you mean Selena will wake up sometime this month?"

Doctor: "Yes. Miss. Gomez is a fighter. Let's pray she'll continue fighting." *He walks out.*

Justin: "You hear that Selena? You'll wake up soon. You just need to keep fighting. I want you to continue fighting. I need you to continue fighting."

(The Next Day)

Christian and Demi walk in and sees Justin asleep holding Selena's hand. Demi walks up to Justin and tries to wake him up.

Demi: "Justin... Justin."

Justin: *Opens his eyes* "Huh. Oh hi, Demi. Hey, Chris."

Demi: "Justin... you need some food. Come on. Let me help you go get some breakfast."

Justin hesitates but slightly nods.

Christian: "Don't worry, Justin. She'll be fine."

(An hour later)

Justin and Demi are walking down the hallway to Selena's room. They hear a really, really high pitched scream from Selena's room. They look at each other and take off running. They burst through the doors with a doctor behind them. They are shocked by the scene infront of them. There Christian was on the floor? Christian was on the floor breathing heavily. Then, they saw it. Or her. Selena was sitting up, staring at Christian in utter shock and confusion. She seemed to be processing what happened. Justin continued to stare at her. He saw Selena understand something. Then, Selena started laughing. She continued to laugh at Christian. Christian just glared at her. Selena laughed so hard, she rolled off the hospital bed. She was in shock. Then, Christian started laughing at her. Selena looked at Christian rolling on the floor laughing, and she soon started to laugh again as well.

Meanwhile, Justin and Demi are just staring at those two in shock. After Selena and Christian finished their laughing fit, Christian helped Selena up. He then suddenly hugged her.

Christian: "I really missed you Sel. I missed the times we would prank everyone and laugh together. When you were gone, I had no one to fool around with anymore. Demi and Justin are too boring."

Selena: *Laughs* "I missed you too."

Demi: "SEL!"

Selena: "Demi! I missed you!"

Demi: *Slaps her arm, playfully* "Don't you dare do that ever again."

Selena: "What? Save someone's life on their wedding day?"

Demi: *Laughs* "No. I thought you were going to die."

Selena: *Scoffs* "Well, thanks for having so much confidence in me."

Demi: *Laughs* Selena lays back on her bed.

Doctor: "Well, Miss. Gomez it seems as if you are very healthy. We'll run some tests later. By the looks of it, you can probrably leave tomorrow."

Selena: "Thanks, doc." The doctor leaves.

Demi sees Justin stare at Selena.

Demi: "Come on, Christian. Let's get some food." She drags Christian out of the room. Selena stares at Justin. Justin stares back.

(Justin's POV)

I stared into Lena's eyes. Her brown, chocolate eyes. The same eyes I fell in love with. My heart started beating faster. I saw tears in Selena's eyes. She got out of her bed and walked towards me. She then pulled me in for a hug. I hugged her back without the slightest bit of hesitation. I missed her so much.


Selena: "I missed you Justin."

Justin: "I missed you so much, Lena. Everyday I would pray that you would wake up."

Selena: *Smiles* "Thank you."

Justin: "Selena. I have to tell you something."

Selena: "What?"

Justin: "I...I can't hold it in anymore. I have to say it. I honestly don't care if I embarrass myself. I LOVE YOU Selena. I love you so much. I fell in love with you during the mission, and everyday I just fall deeper in love. Now, it doesn't matter if you don't love me back. That's fine. I just needed to tell you. Even though, I would be really upset if you didn't say it back. After all, it took alot of courage just to...

Selena interupts Justin with a passionate kiss.

Selena: "I love you too, Justin."

Justin: "Oh. Thank god."

Selena: *laughs*

Justin: "Selena Marie Gomez... will you do the honor of being my girlfriend?"

Selena: "Yes."

Justin smiles. He leans in and kisses Selena. Soon, he pulls away.

Justin: "I love you, Lena."

Selena: "I love you too, Jay."

They lean back in and kiss. The chapter has ended for them. However, don't worry. This is only the beginning of their story.

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