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Episode 16

(The Next Day)
Ariana: *Knocks on Selena and Justin's hotel room* {Outfit: full set tank top stripped short and tops}
Selena: "Coming!" *Opens the door* "Hey Ari! {Outfit:purple V-neck, clug Kardigan Jacket, teen vanity shorts, Black strap jacket boots }
Ariana: "OMG! Selena, you have to help me get ready. Kevin is gonna pick me up from here in one hour."
Selena: "One hour!" *Confused. Looks at the clock.* "OMG! It's 12 o'clock already. Time goes by so fast."
Ariana: "Seems like someone is still sleeping." *Nods toward Justin*
Selena: *Giggles* "I'm gonna wake him up." *Walks over to Justin* "Justin. Wake up!"
Justin: *Rolls over* "5 more minutes mom. I'm in the middle of a very good dream."
Selena: "Hey Ari. How much you wanna bet his dream is about Beyonce?"
Ariana: "Ten bucks."
Selena: "Deal." *Looks at Justin. Gets an idea.* "Justin! OMG! BEYONCE!"
Justin: *Jumps out of the bed* "Where?! Where?!" *Looks around*
Selena and Ariana: *Giggling*
Justin: "Haha...very funny."
Selena: "Get ready. It's 12. By the way what were you dreaming about?"
Justin: "Beyonce." *Goes get ready.* "Hey I'm gonna go hang out with Kevin. Bye."
Ariana: "Oh my gosh! Kevin is gonna come soon!"
Selena: "Ari. Calm down and let me do my magic."
Selena first does Ariana's makeup. Then, Ariana puts on her dress and heels. Selena then acessorizes Ariana with her jewelry. After thirty minutes, Selena finished helping Ariana get ready.
Ariana: {Outfit: pink lotus astymetic dress, full set apple bracelets, cruture pave earrings } "Thank you so much Selena."
Selena: "No problem. Oh and one more thing." *Goes to her jewelry box and gets a bracelet.* "This is for you. {Bracelet: Bony Levy LUNGARE Bracelets}
Ariana: "Selena. I can't have this."
Selena: "You need to. Take it as an early wedding gift."
Ariana: *Laughs* "Alittle early don't you think?"
Selena: "Not at all. Everyone knows you and Kevin will get married soon."
Ariana; "I hope so. Thank you for the bracelet. I will wear it on my wedding day. You promise you will come?"
Selena: "Of course."
Kevin: *Knocks on the door.*
Selena: "He is here." *Opens the door and sees Justin with Kevin.*
Kevin: "Ariana. You look beautiful."
Ariana: "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself."
Kevin: "Shall we?"
Ariana: "We shall." *They leave.*
Justin: "Let's go. I want to be there when he proposes. I want to get it on camera."
Selena: "KK."
Justin: "Let's go. BTW did I tell you, you look gorgeous?"
Selena: *Blushes* Let's go.

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