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Chapter 7

(Next Day)

Selena's POV~
I was nervous. Chad called Justin and I to come to his office. I was sitting in the chair waiting for Chad. I could feel eyes on me and I knew Justin was checking me out. I looked over at him. {Outfit: blue tally weiji tank top, white kivort jean jacket, white motto ripped skinny jeans, blue luichiny re lax high heel shoes }
End of POV

Selena: Are you checking me out?
Justin: Uh no.
Selena: Uh huh.
Justin: I- *gets cut off*
Chad: Hello. Sorry to keep you waiting.
Justin: It's fine.
Chad: Anyways, I sent you two in here because it is time for your first mission together. Did you guys hear about the sudden bankruptcy of many wealthy companies?
Selena: Yes.
Chad: Well, we found out who it is. *Shows them a file* His name is Randy Johnson.(Made-up) Age 25. He has been befriendin all the important people of companies. Then making them bankrupting deals. Once it's time, all he needs to do is leave, and the companies money all goes to him. We found out that he hangs out at clubs very often.
Justin: So what do you want us to do?
Chad: Well, he is also very attracted to girls, who are sluts. *Looks at Selena*
Justin: *Looks at Selena*
Selena: Ok. I get it. I have to dress and act like a slut.
Chad: Right. He is in Las Vegas. You need to start packing tonight. Your leaving tomorrow. Selena, you need to go to Las Vegas Club. He is always hanging out there with his gang.
Selena: Got it.
Chad: We will give you alot of money. Selena make sure you brag about your money.
Selena: Got it.
Chad: One more thing.
Justin: What?
Chad: Justin you will pretend to be a very wealthy company owner. Selena, you need to be his girlfriend.
Selena: WHAT!
Chad: I'm sorry but you have to. You will be staying at Royal Resort.
Justin: Ok.
Chad: Go pack.
Justin/Selena: *leave*

(With Ian)
Ian: *Talking to ?* So you know what you need to do?
?: Of course. Question. Is she hot and when do I start?
Ian: Here is a picture of her. *Shows him a picture* You don't start till I tell you. We got to wait till the timing is right.
?: Fine. Damn, she's hot.
Ian: Great. Oh and Nick(Jonas)? Try to bring her back alive.
Nick: Is it ok if I have some fun with her first?
Ian: Go ahead.
Nick: Thanks. I'm gonna go. Call me when you need me. *Leaves*
Ian: *Laughs evilly*

(With Justin~Justin's POV)
I was in my room packing. Selena was helping me pack thank goodness. I have a habit of packing things I don't need. When I looked up I stared at Selena. I kew she always carried a gun or knife with her in her boots. But she wasn't wearing boots today. I was wondering where she hid her gun or knife. Then she looked up.
End of POV

Selena: Why are you staring?
Justin: Hey don't you usually always carry a gun or knife in your boots?
Selena: Yeah so? *Gets what he means* Oh. That was what you were wondering about all day? Where I carried my weapon since I'm not wearing boots?
Justin: *Blushes* Well, yeah.
Selena: Well, that's a secret.
Justin: Oh come on. Tell me.
Selena: It's kind of obvious where I hid it. I mean where would you hide your gun?
Justin: Under my shirt.
Selena: Well that's where I hid mine.
Justin: But you can't see the bump.
Selena: Well, that's because I'm amazing at hiding things. Anyways, we're done packing. I better go back to my room. We have to wake up early tomorrow. *Leaves*

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