"Hey, you alright?" I asked as I closed my locker. "Yeah." Olivia said, trying to get away with whatever she's hiding. I grabbed her wrist and I looked at her light green eyes. I sighed and I released her wrist. "I'm sorry." I said. She just walked away. I just walked home with headphones plugged in and me blasting music.

"Who are you?
Will you be the sun
Or the pouring rain."

I remembered on Saturday when she talked to me saying that she missed the things me and her used to do. Those days were the eh days. I mean, they weren't bad, they were just unforgettable. Unforgettable and unregrettable. Not sure if that's the word, but I'm alright with it. I got back home and I just took a nap.

[Next evening]

I heard a knock on the door and I already know who it was. "Come in!" I shouted. But it's not. It's my dad. "Hey, Lauren." he said. "Oh...hey dad." I said. "What's wrong with you lately?" he asked. "I'm grand, dad." I said. "No, you're not." he said. "Dad, if I say I'm alright, I'm alright." I said. "Lauren...It's just...I know-sigh-that you hate it that I want my kids to get into my business after they graduate high school, you just have to accept it." he said. "I have plans after graduation, dad. A lot of plans. Since I was 16, I always wanted to be a musician. I want to be me. I don't want you to choose my life choices. You already have destroyed the friendship between Olivia and I and what's next, huh? Ruining my own life?!" I particularly told him everything I have hidden from him. Oh shit. "Well I am your parent and I have the rights to tell you what you have to do in the future and you should just accept it." he yelled and got up to the door. "If you can't accept it, you're not part of this family anymore." he said and slammed the door. I took my backpack and climbed out of the window. I just walked. I then reached Bailey's house which was 15-20 minutes away. I knocked the front door and Bailey's dad opened the door.

"Hey Lauren." he said. "Hey sir." I said. "Are you alright? Here, come in." he said. The Anderson's are the family I always dreamed of. He let me sit on the couch and I tried to smile. "Thanks, sir." I said. "Please, call me Drew." he said. "Okay." I said. "Are you alright? How did you get here?" he asked. "I...Uh...Walked." I said. "Oh. Bailey is out with her mother. So it's just me here." he said. "Okay. I came here because I needed someone to talk to." I said. "Why didn't you talk to Tristan?" he asked. "He's not there." I said. "Oh. Okay." he said. "My dad and I had a fight." I said. "Is it about that again?" he asked. He's the only adult that knows about my dad persuading me to his business. "Yeah." I said. "Alright." he said. "He just came into my room and he tried to talk to me about it, but I couldn't handle the anger, so I just let out whatever is in my head that time." I said. "What did you say?" he asked. "I just said that I wanted to be me and he can't choose my life choices." I said. "Well, I agree." he said. "What?" I asked. "Yeah. I mean, I know what parents say, "I have the rights to tell you what to do." because I might have said it once to Bailey, but I agree about that you have to be you, and he can't choose your life choices. You're 18 now. So I think that you just be you and just block out the things people say." he said and smiled. "And also, can I stay here for the night?" I asked. "Yeah." he said. He got out pillows and blankets for me to sleep on the couch and I thanked him. Bailey's parents are really young, so I get it how they are so nice. Bailey's dad is 28 and Bailey's mom is also 28. Bailey is adopted at the age of 12, so her parents got her 6 years ago.

I woke up in the morning in a different bed but it wasn't unfamiliar. Wait...who moved me to Bailey's bedroom? Bailey got out of the bathroom and she smiled. "Bailey... who moved me here?" I asked. "My dad." she said. "Okay." I said and got up. It's funny, because Bailey is older than me be like 5 months but I'm much taller than her.

- Olivia -

"Olivia!" I heard someone yelled my name. It was Steve. I didn't answer him. I just kept walking. "Olivia!" he shouted again. I ignored him again. I felt someone grabbed my wrist and it was him. Why?!? "If I call you, you should stop and answer." he said. "Okay, What do you want?!" I asked. "Can you go to prom with me?" he asked. "No." I said. "Why not?" he asked. "Because I don't want to go with you." I said. "Who do you want to go with then?! Lauren?" he asked. I pushed him away and I just silenced. "Don't you mention her!" I shouted at him. I just started walking away. The bruise from yesterday still hurts. "SHE'S NOT WORTH IT!" I heard him yell. I hate that guy. Why did I even date him?!

The day ended quickly, which is good. "Hey Olivia." I heard someone said. "Yeah?" I asked. "You going to Rodger's party tonight?" he asked. "Maybe." I said. "Alright." he said. I think going to a party tonight will help. I just want to deal with whatever I need to deal with. I can't rely on anyone anymore. I just want everything to be different. I do want to be myself. I just wished everything was different. My parents to start care about me, Lauren and I still close friends, I just want everything to change. Everything will be the same after today and tomorrow. But who knows, maybe thing will be different.


A/N Hello. Hey. I haven't been on wattpad for like a week so I decided to update. So yeah. I have nothing else to say. Peace!

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