❄️ Part 16 (smut?!) ❄️

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*Jiah pov*

Tae slept over at my apartment last night and no we didn't do something dirty I knew you thought that...however I woke up first as always and made my way to the bathroom and did my everyday morning routine. It was 10am and I made my way to the bedroom. Tae was still sleeping he was so freaking cute like I can't even...

 Tae was still sleeping he was so freaking cute like I can't even

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I'm so lucky to have him. I threw myself on the bed beside him
"Babe wake up"
Aiiish this alien, he is sleep talking again. I'm so sad that the break will be over in 3 days and Hyerin will go back to Seoul again.
"Babe!"*pokes his cheek*
"Mmh 5 more minutes"
"But Tae...Hyerin will be home soon"
Aiish I will go make something to eat he better be up soon. I was on my way up but I could feel a huge manly hand grabb my wrist and pulled me down onto the bed gain.
"Were are you going" *smirk*
My cheeks was freaking BURNING right now.
"M..make breakfast"
I was about to get up when he pinned me onto the bed and got on top of me.

ASDFGHJKL!! (ok calm your tits lmao)

"I want you in bed"*smirk*

Well damn that escalated quickly I thought he wanted to sleep.

"I thought you were tired?"
"Babe, we didn't do it yesterday?"


Before I could say anything our lips crashed together. He started to kiss me roughly but gentle at the same time. Wait whuut? Yeah, I kissed back of course. After some time we broke the kiss to gasp for some air. Then he looked into my eyes and then back at my lips before he kissed me again. I could  feel his long fingers slide up to my tiny pajama shorts. I put my arms around his neck as we still kept on making out. Tae broke the kiss as he took of his shirt and threw it on the floor. Well damn I didn't know he had some fine ass toned abs 0.0
He was about to take of my shirt but I stoped him.
"Tae..what about if Hyerin will be home and see us like this?"
"She will be at Jimin's the whole day trust me"
"How do you know?"
"Because we will be having dinner later on there, Jin hyung texted me when you were in the bathroom."

He pulled of my shirt and there was I, in my black lace bra. He then moved down to my pink shorts and pulled them of still kissing me as he made his way to my neck.
"Don't be scared babe, it wont't hurt"
"But it's my first time"
"Trust me"
I let him do what he was going to to witch was taking of his pants yall. Now I was only in my underwaer and him in his boxers. He slowly pulled down my panties and suddenly he just shoved in his member in me. I bite my lips trying to hold my moans and the pain.
"Am I huring you, if I am I can stop?"
"Andwe!" *moans*
He kept going faster and faster everytime.
"Damn you're so tight!" *moan*
He crushed his lips on to mine again as his right hand was on my boob.

*fast forward*

We both got dressed after taking a shower but not together (yall nasty lmao).
I went to do the breakfast as I was cooking I felt a pair of arms around my waist.
"That was amazing" *smirk*
"What? I'm telling the truth"
"Don't leave me now"
He kisses my cheek and took a sit. We started eating.
"S..so was it your first time to?"
He looked at me and then back at his plate.
I felt hurt but not surprised at all because he was in a relationship with Sarah for about 3 years.

*End JiAh pov*

*Tae pov*
I was done eating but Jiah was still eating she is so slow..but not in bed thoe *smirk*.
"I'm going to watch some TV."
"Mm okey"
I got up and made my way towards the living room. I threw myself onto the sofa and guess what BIGBANG was on the TV. Damn I wish we will get to debut soon. I have been training  quite a while under BigHit now with the boys. After some time I could hear Jiah doing the dishes. I walked up to her and put my arms around her waist and back hugged her. I could feel her booty being pressed on to my member. I turned her around slowly. And grabbed her legs as she jumped and put her legs around my torso.
"Wanna go for a secound round?"
"Maybe" *smirk*
"Such a bad girl"
"Yaah I was joking I need to finish this, put me down now please."
I skowly put her down as I peaked her lips.
"I will wait for you in the living room."

*End Tae pov*

*JiAh pov*
When I was done I made my way toward the living room. Tae was watching the TV as usual. I took a seat next to him and he threw his arm around me.
"Are my jagi tired?"
"Yeah a bit"
We continued watching TV as we cuddled up.

*fast firward*

It was time to go over to the dorm because Jin oppa made dinner for us all.
"Tae let's go!"
"Ne, Were is my phone?"
"Kamsa, kajja!"
We walked out from my apartment and made our way to the dorm. When we had arrived Kookie opened the door as always.
"Noona!" *huggs*
"Yaah Jungkook chill." *pulls kookie away from Jiah*
"Yaah hyung!"
"What? She is mine!"
Aiish this pabo so childish.
"Come in!"
We walked in and everyone was there the boys and Hyerin.
"Ooh Hyerinah~!"
"Hi!!" *everyone*
Jin hyung was in the kitchen, Kookie went to Hobi they played some gamed on the phone I belive. Suga oppa was sleeping the the bedroom. Jimin came out from the bathroom and Namjoon oppa was doing something on his phone as well.
"Yaah Tae I need to show you something"
Tae was walking toward Jimin and they  disappeared into on of the bedrooms.
I took a seat next to Huerin on the sofa.
"So what?"
"Did something happen last night?"
"Tell me I know it did" *smirk*
"What about you Hyerinah?"
"Well kind of"
"Yaah stop yelling"
"Sorry, omg did you guys do it?"
"Damn did it hurt?"
"Of course, Jimin was like a freaking animal"
"We did it to, but today actually"
"Shh they are comeing"
"Kid let's eat!"

*End JiAh pov*

*Tae pov*

Jimin called me so I followed him to our bedroom.
"Yo, guess what!"
"Me and Hyerin did it"
"You mean as did it did it?"
"Cool we did it to"
"You and JiAh?"
"Of course who else?"
"Did she knew that it wasn't your first time?"
"Yeah she knows"
"Cool, Btw guess what!"
"We will be leaving in 3 days!"
Wait what? Leaving? Were?
"Leaving? Were?"
"WHAT!? Why?"
"The PD-bim called us today and said that we will prepering for out debut soon!"
"For how long?"
"6 months"
I was freaking speechless at this point. I can't leave Jiah for 6 freaking months.
"Then what about JiAh and Hyerin?"
"Does Hyerin know about this?"
"Yeah why?"
"What did she say?"
"Hyerin will be coming with is because she lives in Seoul already."
"What about JiAh then?"
"Idk bro"
FUKK how will I be able to tell her this. We walked out from the room when Jin hyung said that it was time to eat. Damn I need to tell Jiah after we eat. But I don't want to break her heart or just leave her after having sex with her just like that.

*End Tae pov*

___________________________I will try to upload often. I hope you liked it so far and thanks for takeing your time reading this. Please vote and comment if you liked it. Sorry for my english errors!! ENLOY!💕

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