Telling Our Dads(Cody Simpson&Greyson Chance Love Story)

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Lexcy's POV (Written by Lexcy)

Corey was such a nice guy, but seriously what was with the accent? Maybe he just talks really really really really REALLY weird! Hahaha but I won't judge him.

Savi and I were going to my house. I parked my motorcycle in my garage. My dad was in there benching.

"Hey Dad! GUESS WHAT?!?!" I said overly excited.

"Hey Logan." Savi chimed in.

"Hey girls. What is it?" Ny dad asked sitting up, his shaggy black hair sweaty and sticking to his forehead.

I pulled out Shawn's card and looked at it. His number was under his name and the studio's address. Wait wait wait! His studio is in Los Angeles, California and we are in Chicago, Illinois. How is that going to work out?!

"We got discovered!" My scream echoed in the garage.

My dad's bulged and he jumped up saying, "Im so proud of you two! By who?!" He was just about as excited as we were.

Savi jumped in, "Shawn Campbell at Atlantic Records."

"He wants to have a meeting with us," I motioned to Savi and I, "you, and Riley on Tuesday!"

"Well I guess now is the best time to tell you since we will have to fly out tomorrow." My dad said rubbing his forehead with a white towel.

"Tell us what?!" I asked still way excited.

"We are moving to Los Angeles, California." My dad said after a big sigh.

I must've heard him wrong!

"Say what now?!?!" I said my eyes and mouth wide.

My dad laughed and replied, "We are moving to Los Angeles, California."

"You're taking Lexcy away from me?!" Savi asked sadly. I put my arm around her shoulder. 

"Nope! Riley is coming too. We are ALL moving to LA!!!"

I threw my hand on my forehead dramatically and pretended to faint. They just laughed at me and I got up.

"Hey! I could've have just died!!!" I said acting offended.

"But you didn't. Lexcy, you do that all the time!" Savi said patting my shoulder and going inside.

I hugged my dad and scrunched my nose.

"Ew! Dad, you need a shower!" I wiped myself off from any sweat he got on me.

"And YOU need to pack your stuff. The sooner we move, the better." My dad replied swatting me with his towel as I ran inside after Savi.

~Inside My Room~

Savi and I were putting all my clothes into my three big duffle bags and then her clothes into 4 bags. Its good that she has a lot and I do too  because we're both the same size so we share tons of clothes. I couldn't believe it! Savi and I are moving to LA and might be signed onto Atlantic Records! Woohoo :) !!!!

"Oh my Smurf!" Savi yelled to her phone. She was texting Robbie, they should totally date! They're adorable! 

Her and Robbie , me and Cor- wait what am I talking about...Corey doesn't like me that way, or does he? Maybe? I don't know but I hope so! HEY that rhymed.

"What?!" I yelled going into a ninja stance and then walking over to her looking at the screen to read the text message.

"Robbie said that they live in Los Angeles !" Savi said looking at her phone in disbelief.

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