Oh haaaaiiiiiiiil no!!! (Greyson Chance&CodySimpon Love Story)

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Lexcy here!!!(: Alright so I apologize for all this drama and ceap that I have been involved in! With Cody, Nicolee, Rebel, Matt, Anna, etc...It's not like me to get stuck in that stuff. Anyway!! I am FINALLY uploading because I miss this story! Like for real!(; haha yea here I goooooo!



*Lexcy's POV*

I am pissed.

There is no other way to explain my emotions right now. Corey...er Cody lied to me. AND he is one of them teenage heartthrobs that girls drool over...Ugggghh!!!!

Drew set my chicken fried rice and chopsticks in front me. I felt Cody staring a hole into my forehead, so I dug into my lunch. I'm not gonna lie, I was eating like a pig! But I don't care. I felt Cody staring at me while everyone else began eating.

"So, Scooter and I have very important news for you four." Drew spoke up and sipped on her sweet tea.

"All of us?" Greyson replies and sat up completely.

"Yes. Savi and Lexcy, you two are new to this business. Cody and Greyson, you two are more familiar with it. That being said..."Scooter began and drifted off.

"New or not, all musicians need to go on tour every once in a while." Drew picked it back up as I took a big gulp of my Mountain Dew.

BAM! There goes my Mountain Dew, all over Cody. I started coughing like crazy after my spit take. Cody moaned and took a napkin from my tray. Savi giggled a bit as he patted his face dry.

"First we need to record at least one song, which won't take long at all. Then we can start this tour off by next week." Scooter added.

"Which shouldn't be a problem since you two already have some songs written and your parents are pretty laid back." Drew chimed in.

"You two will be big, I know it." Greyson spoke up and smiled at Savi and I.

Savi tried not to smile back and ended up biting the inside of her mouth. I gave him a cold glare and looked at Cody. His eyes were pricked with tears and he was letting his hair fall in front of his eyes, almost looked like it was on purpose. I felt a little bad for him, but then I remembered that he was a lying jerk face, popstar. I looked around at everyone sitting there silently. Drew and Scooter looked confused and were waiting for an answer.

"Alright, so what now? Do we go to the studio?" I said and sat up cracked my knuckles, putting my acting skills to work.

I smiled at Cody and Drew. She nodded and got up ready to go. I felt Savi's confused look on me. I got up from my seat, as well as Greyson, Scooter, Cody and Savi.

"Boys would you like to come to their session?" Drew asked politely and winked at Savi and I.

My eyes almost bulged out of my head!! What the heck is she doing?! I don't want them watching us! Cody smiled small and Greyson nodded excitedly. Uggggghhh...why?!?!

"Alrighty then! Let's just go.." I said and pulled Savi over with me towards the exit.

"Lexcy!" I heard Cody yell in his "new" Australian accent.

My heart dropped, I turned around with fire in my eyes. My eyes we're dark gray. Greyson's eyebrows went up at the sight of my anger I suppose.

"What?" I spat as they ran up to us.

"We have to ride in the same limo. They want us to get to know each other." Greyson replied and patted Cody's shoulder.

Oh haaaaiiiil no...

Savi's POV (hey y'all its Savi here and I love music so yup..enjoy!)

Things weren't exactly going to plan, I like Greyson and I forgave him but you know he lied to me, my mom lied to my dad. I have hard times trusting guys.

A warmth spread on my hand as it brought me out of my thoughts and I looked down to see Greyson's hand on top of mine, a blush immediately went upon my face as I saw Cody and Lexcy's faces turned sad and I moved away from Greyson which caused him to be upset.

I'm sorry, when my best friend is upset I am not going to have a love fest! Lexcy coughed, bringing my attention to her and mouthed to me 'STOP!' and at this point right now I wished I was a werewolf so I could read minds and comunicate with her through mind.

I wanted to explain if she wasn't happy, neither was I. "OKAY! GREYSON I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" Lexcy bursted out and hopped over to Greyson on the limo seats, while she whispered in his ear "She likes you she just doesn't want me to be upset, go back to her, she won't turn you away." Then Greyson whispered something back but I couldn't hear him.

I looked toward Cody but he just shrugged and blinked his eyes a couple of times, probably to get the water out of his eyes...he's still upset.

I should talk to her when we get to the studi-

"WE'RE HERE!" Cody shouted angrily at Lexcy and Greyson as they still sat together. Jeez, I really need to get them together. Maybe Greyson could help me?

"Savi?" Greyson's voice called, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and noticed we were the only ones in the limo. "Oh yeah?" I asked, still trying to get out of my trance.

"I'm sorry about trying to touch your hand before." He whispered as he was about to get out. You know what?! Screw my non-trust in guys...Greyson's worth it.

I reached toward Greyson's shirt and I pulled him in for a long kiss. Once I let go, Greyson's cheeks were red as were mine...like where did that confidence come from?! 

But finally, I found myself able to talk again and I whispered to him "Don't be sorry, I like you. I just didn't want Cody and Lexcy being upset being in the estate they are in...sooooo." I said, traling off as Greyson grinned.

"You want me to help you set them up after you guys finish in the studio, don't you?" He winked as I grinned and nodded "YUP!" 

He thought for a while then said "Fine...you're so lucky I really like you." 

I winked at him "Who doesn't." As Greyson and I laughed and hand-in-hand we walked into the studio.


KK! Hopefully that was good I was watching Glee Project on Fios while typing my POV sooo yeah! I found it very cute lol! ENJJJOOOYYY!!!! :)


Question: What would you like to see happen next? ~Savi


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2012 ⏰

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