The Secret... Savi or Lexcy finds out. (Cody Simpson&Greyson Chance Love Story)

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Hye guys its Savi!!!!! Me and Lexcy would love to dedicate this chapter to a very nice person! who makes great covers for stories!!! And hopefully will make ours even though we responded late!!! This person is awesome! and has again AMAZING COVERS! So go fan, read her stories, ask for a cover!!! Shes really a great operson thats why she gets a dedication!!! PLEASE MAKE OUR COVER!!!!

I love you guys as fans friends family and everything! you made our story go so far thanks for all the support we've got and hopefully continue getting we love you guys!!!! YOUR THE BEST!!


HERES LEXCY! Lexcy in the Hizouse!!!!! xD haha Ok y'all I'm really sorry about the month of grounding. One day I'm just gonna be all like, "Um no. You have no right to take my iPod. I bought it with my own money. I'm not giving it to you." But, until I get the guts and confidence to do that, I'm stuck. So yeah, I'm here now though! Love you all -makes a hand heart- haha so yes. Umm idk wut else to say so here I go I guess! :P

(>")> c("c) HuGz!!!! Tee hee ^_^

**Lexcy's POV**

Corey and I were at Burger King ordering when my phone rang.

"Dirty dancing in the moonlight. Take me down like I'm on to-"

It was unknown number, but I answered it anyway.

L: Lexcy here!

?: Great I got the right number for you! It's Shawn, Shawn Campbell.

L: Oh hey, Shawn! Is something wrong?

S: No not at all. I have already me with you and Savi's dads. They signed everything and now you are officially apart of Atlantice Records.

L: For real?! Um...That's awesome. Amazing. Fabulous. Unbelievable. Crazy. Incredible. Oh! Did I mention smurftastic?!?! No? Well Savi would want to add that in there! Haha sorry I tend to ramble on when I'm excited and I'm just gonna gonna gonna gonna stop talking now...

S: Hahaha wow. You're ecstatic. Good, that's what we like to hear.

L: Ok, so I'm kind of confused. Why did you call me?

S: Because I needed to inform you about what is necessary.

L: Ok what is necessary?

S: Well, for starters, I am in the process of hiring you two a manager. And you two have a photo shoot tomorrow, you will be required to find your own wardrobe. Problem?

L: No, no problem at all (my voice cracks). What is the theme, like colors..?

S: Your favorite colors and anything you would normally wear.

L: Alright, well goodbye for now.

S: Bye.

I hang up and look at Corey who as looking at me like I'm crazy. I smiled and he raises an eyebrow. I shrug it off and we order two orders or chicken fries and mountain dew. Oh and you can't forget the ketchup! Corey and I both share the crazy obsession(:

"So what was that phone call about?" Corey asks me as he slides down into a booth and I sit down across from him.

"Oh that was Savi and I's music producer. We just got signed!" I respond calmly at first and then get excited.

"Really? Lexcy that's great!" Corey responds and takes one of my hands with a genuine smile.

I just gaze into his eyes and smile back. We are just staring at each other before the radio commercials end. Once they are over, Not Just You by Cody Simpson comes on. I scoff and take a sip of my soda.

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