First Date...I Think? (Cody Simpson&Greyson Chance Love Story)

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Lexcy's POV

I was sitting in my seat with my knees up to my chest. This movie was going to be scary! Corey was holding my hand, but I think it was in a friend way. He doesn't like me like that...There is no way! I mean I have only known him since today and I have a bunch of guy friends that have known me since I was six. Well, except for Briar. But that is different...He was my boyfriend starting in seventh grade.


We weren't really going anywhere on dates except birthday parties, school things, and swim. Briar had long dirty blonde hair and two different color eyes, one dark green and one blue with brown specs. He was definitely drop dead gorgeous and had the whole adorable crooked smile going on.

I was swimming laps during practice and when I got out of the pool, it was his turn. I smiled at him and patted his back. As soon as he turned around he walked to the ladder for the high board. He turned around and looked at me and was about to smile when he looked behind me.

Now, there were only two girls on the swim team. Me and Maddie. Maddie was super skinny and pale, but dang could she pull it off! She was absolutely beautiful at the age of 13. She had bobbed crimson hair and light carmel brown eyes. Anyway, Briar was looking at her. He winked at her and dived into the water splashing me and only me. Maddie scoffed and laughed her prissy little laugh.

"Looks like my plan worked after all. You got completely soaked!" She said and ran her finger across my wet shoulder.

"Maddie, we are at swim practice. You're going to get wet! Oh come on, I'm blonde and even I could've come up wit a better plan than that." I said and pulled of my swim cap.

"Whatever, don't interrupt it's rude! Hope you like being alone." Maddie replied padding away the edge of the pool.

Briar came up and started swimming laps, then he went to the side where Maddie was. He put his hand up for her to pull him up and she took it. When he was up he kissed Maddie on the cheek. Her pale skin got rosy and her face lit up. Briar saw me watching him while I was twisting the ends of hair that at the moment only reached three inches lower than my shoulders.

"Listen Lexcy--" Briar began but I interrupted him.

"Don't even. If you like Maddie then you like Maddie. Who am I to stand in the way of love?" Briar looked stunned.

"Really?! Uh ok!" He pulled me into a hug and I whispered into his ear.

"Its not like I care that you like a girl that will most likely end up being a slut and leave you once you have a child at sixteen."

He gave me this crazy look and I motioned towards Maddie and turned around to the locker room. My mon did exactly what I had just said. That's one reason I didn't like Maddie at all. She looked way too much like my mom at my age. That and she was just plain mean. AND that was my last boyfriend.

~End Flashback~

The actual movie was starting and I sucked my head down lower. Oh my Lord! I'm going to die!!!!!

Corey's POV

Lexcy had her knees up to her chest and was playing with her hair. I was holding her hand, and she looked like she was dazing off thinking about something else. I glanced around the theater and spotted Robbie and Savi holding hands. They were actually a really cute couple together I think. I can't really imagine myself with Lexcy. She is WAY outta my league! I mean she is the entire package. Looks, musically talented, great personality, acting skills according to Savi, and a motorcycle! You can't forget the motorcycle ;) hahaha!

The movie actually started and I looked over at Lexcy. She was back into reality now showing no emotion. Well, here goes nothing...

Lexcy's POV

It was about an hour into the movie and it wasn't that bad so far. Then....

"HOLY MOTHER OF SMURFS!!!!!!" Savi screamed at the same time as I screamed, "SWEET PLANKTON!!!!"

There was a moment of silence and then all four of us just started cracking up. People all around us were shooshing us and then a man in a good vest and a flashlight asked us to leave. We finally finished up laughing and left the theater.

"It wasn't even that scary." Robbie replied nudging Savi.

"Oh smurf! Yes it was!!!" Savi yelled.

"Nah...It wasn't." Corey said poking my flat stomache.

"Well I have an excuse! I get scared too easily!!!" I yelled at them.

Then, I spotted a ball pit and nudged Savi. We both simultaneously ran to the ball pit and dove into the colorful pool of balls covered by a net wall. I was laying flat covered completely and Savi was squirming.

"Psst! Don't move!" I whisper yelled to her. She instantly stopped.

I heard laughter and footsteps. Suddenly something heavy fell on me. I let out a silent groan but didn't move. I realized it was Corey when I opened my eyes. His hat had "CRS 143" written on the back of it. I didn't move a muscle when Corey got off of me.

"Lexcy Brooke Queen! Get your butt up here!" I heard Corey yell and I saw a hand going straight for my wrist.

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. At that moment I realized how gorgeous his eyes were. They were really bright emerald green. Beautiful! Woah woah woah! Wait up! I can't fall for him. I'm moving tomorrow. Oh wait! He lives there too!!!! So maybe I can fall for him. I snapped out of my little daze and I realized that I was like four centimeters away from his face. His eyes were closed and his cheeks were red. I backed up and Robbie was laughing at Corey still staying at the way he was. Then Corey opened his eyes and blushed and turned away laughing nervously.

Them three laughed as I got out of the ball pit kind of stunned. I didn't know what I was feeling at the moment. I haven't actuakiy ever had a crush on a guy since Briar. I just kind of figured I would always be one of the guy's buddies or something. Friends do not kiss, at least not that I know of.

~Outside Of The Theater~

Corey's POV

We were all walking out of the theater now. I couldn't believe that I almost kissed Lexcy. I don't know what came over me! Ugh, if she only knew...

"So this is my ride." Lexcy said pointing to an electric blue sporty looking motorcycle. It had two seats and two helmets locked into the back.

She unlocked it and got the helmets out and handed Savi hers.

"So, where's you guys' ride?" Savi asked as she clipped on her Smurf sticker covered helmet.

"Oh...Um, my mom is coming to pick us up." I replied rubbing the back of my neck.

"Ok well I guess we'll see ya later then?" Lexcy said sitting down on her bike and turning the key making the engine roar.

"Sure!" Robbie replied with me at the same time.

"Bye!!!!" Savi yelled over the engine and sat down holding into Lexcy's waist.

Lexcy lifted the glass on her helmet and winked at us and said, "See ya!"

She zoomed off into the street and we store and watched as they disappeared down the road. I have to say I'm digging the whole bike thing, but do I like Lexcy...?

Lexcy's POV

We drove to Savi's house and I parked my bike in her driveway. We went inside and everyone was already asleep....What time is it?! I slipped my phone outta my pocket and saw it was 11:30pm. How did the time pass by so fast!

Savi and I quietly walked down the steps to her room..Well technically it was the basement, but she slept there and had all her stuff there. We spent the entire night packing up all her stuff. We were leaving at 3:00pm tomorrow. An I just CANT wait!!!!! :) LA BABAY!

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