Maybe They Are Not All The Same

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Being the oldest is a bit tiring but this is my responsibility and I love my brothers. If people aske me why we are together despite we have different father all I can answer it is because of love. My father left me when I was 1 year old Weiz Zhou was born 2 years after my mother got another mate but like my father he left my mother and his own son. I remember how Weizhou cried I maybe little but I felt like he is someone I should protect, my mother never think twice of blaming us she always tells us we are his precious jewels, I was already 7 Wei Zhou was 5 when Lige's father became my mother;s mate and like the other two Alphas he left her, but she never again blame us. When I was 14 Wei Zhou was 12 Lige was 8, My mother's health deteriorate, but she had another mate at first I thought he was different since he was a Beta but he tried to take advantage of me, my mother was in the hospital that time du to a miscarriage she said my baby sister was weak but I guess that man was the one at fault because when he attempted to rape me he accidentally told me that too bad my mom did not die, good thing Wei Zhou and Dr. Cheng arrived on time. He never showed up again but that had given me fear and insecurity that I am no longer clean. But Wei Zhou always assured me as long as nothing happened I shouldn't think that way.

Now I am 23 years old, Weizhou is 21, Lige is 17. Being the youngest we have responsibility to protect him no wonder me and my brother have mutual agreement to stop schooling for Lige to continue his high school at least. I am not as smart as Wei Zhou but I had a dream to be an actor. Like those on theatre, mom say she was once before she had me but she always remind me that without thinking twice she will still choose us over her dream. 

Aside from being an actor I have another dream that all Omegas will be treated equally, back in school we are just told we are to mate for population but for me why would I do it without love. I will make sure like my mom I will love all my kids if I was blessed to have them. 

I was starting my shift  when a set of Alphas who I believe was the talk of the town enter the diner. Wei Zhou is currently having his shift, as always they have this air of being superior but different from the other Alpha they have this aura that they are indeed have rights to brag about theirselves. I was the one who served them but I kind felt awkwars, the tallest guy among them keeps on staring at me, I never met him before though I felt awkward at it I can;t help but steal glances from him, all of them are handsome in their own way but this guy he has something that I felt attracted to. Wait? Did I say I am kinda having an infatuation I am kinda too old for it but no one can blame, I never have any boyfriend nor a girlfriend well I never care even Wei Zhou and of course Lige nevr had one, we usually call ourselves the single omegas that includes Chen Wen and Mayao Lige's friend.

"How long have you been working here?"

I was surprise after our staring contest he suddenly asked me a question.

"Erm since I was 18 years old sir." I just replied and excuse myself.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" The tall guy with a deep voice asked.

"Yeah, one is 21, the other is just turned 17 last year."

I realize I am giving too much information so I decided to zip my mouth, but to be honest all of them really are good looking I would say that guy suits Wei Zhou, they compliment each other, Chen wen suits the guy beside him, and Mayao he can suit the other tall guy who is quiet they say opposite attracts, for Lige I don't think I would prefer the guy beside him. And I feel Lige is still young to have a bf yeah right and I am oairing his best friend to that other one so ironic. After 30 minutes finally my work is done and I decided to leave since I promise I would pick Lige from school. Though strange his stares are still following me but i decided to ignore as my brother waits for me.

Lige still wants to be babied, and cutely asked me to pick him up since he would stay until evening in the school, sadly Dr, Cheng cannot pick due to some duties in the hospital and Wei Zhou still have one last shift so it ia usual routine to at least go home together.

"Gege!" My brother jumped happily hugging me.

"How's school and your practice."


Lige seems to enjoy the dance practice the most. Aside from that he also do sports whoch me and Wei Zhou usually avoid. We walked hand in hand as we stroll going to Wei Zhou's workplace.

"Gege, how can you be handsome as well as Zhou-ge while I feel ugly." He suddenly blurt it out.


"Nothing I mean people called me four-eyed, and they say I may just be adopted some classmate teased me that I am not as good looking as you or even Zhou-ge."

This is why I hate him being compared to others, even my previous classmates told me Lige is not a typical omega are they blind my brother's beauty is exotic, not only because he is my brother but his eyes are his main poin if he remove his glasses sure hell he could break those stupid Alpha's hearts and his characteristic of believing in a world foo of goodness is what I like the most, compared to those Omega who had been already dating or rebeling I never see Lige once doing it, he diligently go to school even he is sometimes late he studies once he is at home. He knows household chores, he even know how to cook and even Dr, cheng said Lige was the one who inherit our mother's eyes no wonder we are very protective of him.  

"Lige don't listen to what they say, they are just jealous of you okay?"

But that does not lift his spirits up, some people say in my and Wei Zhou's age we should have been with a partner but Dr. Cheng always told us that we have some reproductive issues so Wei Zhou and I have never been on the list actually even Chen Wen and Mayao, But for Lige, he had been exempted and Dr. Cheng reason out he is still a teenager. I know how he is close to my mother, he said they were best of friend, too sad he never became the father we wish we had because no other people showed us love except him.

As we arrived at Wei Zhou's workplace he is already done with his shift and like normal days we walked back in our home.  So as always those are our normal life. 

I sighed, It is my off Wei Zhou is in the diner, Lige is in school with Mayao due to a project. I open the fridge and realize we are kinda short for this week's food. So taking out my wallet I hurriedly went to the nearest grocery store. I guess all I have is enough for us to survive. I can't afford to have any of them sick well that goes to me, Wei Zhou and I are known to have low immune system I remember I fainted once in a PE class, since our mother died we fend for ourselves aside from the savings she left us me and Wei Zhou tried to add some money to the account from our money that we earn from work. And ofcourse we both have pla to go back to study well it is never too late like I always believe. I am usually in charge to do budgeting, Lige and Wei Zhou usually take turns in cooking well I do help but they prefer to do it since they would reason out I already bought the recipes I know they are thoughtful. I was the next one as the cashier is scanning the things I bought I open my wallet Oh no! The money is not here what should i do?

"Uhm miss I...."

"Hey don;t tell me you have no money and you decided to take these things." She said. How can she be heartless as if I intentionally left it. I remember I put the money in Wei Zhou's wallet since he was supposed to be doing today's grocery.


"I'll pay for it..." I heard a voice a very familiar voice.

It was the tallest, cold looking guy, I lowered my head out of embarassment. As we go out I thank him many times playing my fingers with the grocery.

"I-I promise I pay I am so sorry I..."

"That's enough."


"One advice not all people appreciate that kind of behaviour this is the real world you need to always be alert."

I want to get mad at him like throw the grocery bag in his face but he is right, I shoulkd be responsible what if he was not there. He may look cold well all of them are his circle ofriends but I guess not all Alphas are the same maybe he could be different from all the partners my mother had.

A/N The third POV I know I kind chnage their age and as far as I know Wei ZHou is older than him but I prefer him the the eldest brother leave comments and enjoy!

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