Like a Fairy Tale

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I was sleeping soundly in our bed, Chuinan is indeed a gentleman he kept his promise of not touching me until we are fully official. Today is the day we will got to a court house to sign the papers. I was still in the middle of my dream when I am hearing Chuinan's voice angrily talking to someone. I rubbed my eyes looked at the alarm clock it was 7 in the morning, I decided to got up and get out of the room.


He looked at me at first he really looks upset but I notice his gaze soften he told the person on the other line that he will just call back and approached me.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" He gently asked, I shake my head and smiled at him, he smiled back at me, and give me a peck on my lips.

"Morning, well change of plans, you see my stupid manager was not able to move one of my shooting and I need to be there so we will reschedule going to the courthouse. I kind of lowered my head feeling sad, can it be he realize I do not deserve him, he sudenly pull me out of trance as he gently poke my forehead.

"Don't think about those silly thoughts, now do you want to go with me and watch one of my shootings?" I bit my lips thinking that I would see many people there and I might just embarassed him but I nodded thinking I will just get bored.

"Don't worry you'll have someone to accompany you you see, Dong Feng will be with me in the shooting as he is casted, so you will see Mayao there." I smiled as I heard that I will see my bestfriend. I suddenly wonder if I could also see my brothers in which he smiled and told me that we will see each other, next week as he had onvited them in their Company's Annual Ball.

"I don't know how to thank you, I... uhm I..." I can't say those magic words, I might mess it up. He suddenly embraced me.

"I know, I love you." I was shocked when he said those words. I looked at him.

"Can you say it again?"

"I love you."


"I love you."

I smiled and give him a kiss, I can't believe that he did love me finally I heard those words, now it's time.



"I love you too."

He smiled and again hugged my tightly, I pull him closer afraid that ths was all a dream. I first went to the kitchen and prepare our breakfast I kind of asked him to help me out but when I turned around he is still looking at the cupboard wondering what he should get.

"Chuinan, where is the pepper and salt?"

"Uhm I am not sure if this is the one." He replied, seriously? He has no idea? O sighed perhaps this guy had never been to his own kitchen so I ask him to move aside and just get the ingredients I need all by myself. I was humming as I was busily cooking when he sneakily puts his arm around my waist.

"That smells good."

"I know, just sit there and wait this will be done in a few minutes."

After we eat, I helped him packed his things he needed for his shooting, I was surprise to see many celebrities they seem all busy, Chuinan and I are holding each other's hands when a certain girl approached us.

"Hey Chuinan how are you? Excited for our shooting you know after this we can do real action after work." She said looking at me smirking.

I lowered my head she is so beautiful I can't help but feel insecure at all. I wonder How Chuinan ended up with an ordinary Omega like me.

"Hands off me." He coldly say to that girl

"Well seems like you have someone to play with today, it's okay we can do it anytime you." He seducingly told him, but he pushed him and still holding my hand went to his own tent I saw Mayao and Dong Feng, to be honest at first I really kind of not approved with Mayao with that guy but I saw how he is taking care of my best friend.

"If you feel hungry we have packed lunch okay? And wear my jacket it's a little cold." I heard him tell Mayao, he nodded cutely and I saw him kissed his forehead. As for me I we saw each other we right away talked missing each other. What can I say he is indeed handsome and he really is a great actor, I can feel what he is doing no wonder he always grab the lead character. Though I kind of get jealous from those kissing scene but it's part of work. After the shooting I felt tired already as well as Mayao. He approached me as I gave him his water to drink, at least I am the only one that can experience his softer side that he usually portrays in his dramas and movie, because once the director says cut, he would pushed the lead away from him and go back being the cold Kong Chuinan.

"Hey." It's that irl again along with her friends.

"What is it now?" he asked her seems like he is getting irritated with her screen partner.

"Come on will you be really wishing to spend you time with that ugly four-eyed guy?" I felt upset with what he said I can almost see Mayao trying to speak to defend me but Dong Feng reprimanded him.

"Look  Lin Xu, the one you are insulting is my mate, and I already had enough patience with you, so if you are this rude you know what I am capable of I can ruin not your career but you family's life as well, if you excuse my partner is tired watching me patiently doing this shooting, Hai'er just call me on my next schedule me and Lige need to go home." He said as he pulled me off the set and went straight into the car.



"Thank you."

"For what? Defending you did I promise I will never hurt you, and it is my job to protect you as my partner."

"But I am not your official partner and..." Before I can finish my worns he suddenly turn the vehicle to a different direction, I worried because I do not know what's running into his mind. After 30 minutes of driving we arrived in someone's house.

"Let's go." I just followed him as he go to the doorbell afterwards aguy in his 40's appeared.

"Oh Chuinan, it's almost 12am what are you doing here?"

"Can you get the papers I asked you to have?"

The guy kindly let us in, and as he is looking on his files he gave it to him I tried to peek for I have no idea what's happening.

"So just have him sign on the parts I checked then just let me do and finish them by moring." As he handed me the papers I read what it sayd, I can;t help but cry, didn;t he said we'll just move it on the other day, but seems like he decided to keep everything on shedule, I signed the papers and thank the older man who we had disturbed and I bowed at him thanking him for his kindness.

"I thought..."

"Sorry can't wait, besides I realize this should be the best gift I could give you."

Gift? But why? He smiled seems like he is trying to make fun of me being clueless.

"Sometimes, you are an idiot aren;t you?" He said playfully to me I punch him lightly.

"Hey we just became official partner now your bullying me."

"Okay, I like getting those reaction from you thats why." He said playfully I pouted at him.


"You're mine only mine so never dare to run away from me, you will be stuck with me forever."

"Yes, and you are stuck with me forever as well, tried to leave me I'll cut your balls off." I said and give him a kiss.

I am glad finally I have a my own prince like the ones I read in those fairy tales.

"Hmm? "
"I want to take this relationship a step further"

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