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Assalamulaikum my sisters of Islam. Hope you guys are getting beneficial by our work.

I thought to update a hadith but then I planned to share the hadith with an important topic that must be talked upon.

A muslim guards his tongue....

Imagine how would be your life if your tongue don't function.
Imagine a day atleast on which you cannot talk.
Imagine a day on which you can't praised you almighty through your words.

Isn't it so scary?

So have you said ALHAMDULILLAH for it. If not thank you almighty now.

Do you misuse you tongue by evil talks or lie? Lets see what Islam says so.....

A Muslim cannot be a liar:

Allah has given us wonderful gifts. Tongue is one among them. It is wonderful to be able to speak. We spend a lot of time talking to others.but we should see that everything we speak is true. Making mistakes is not bad but it is bad to hide them by telling lies.Allah does not like the liars. A muslim,therefore speaks the truth.words are like arrows.once discharged,they never return.
The prophet said:"'truth is good.good deeds lead to paradise.falsehood is wickedness.wickedness leads to hell"'.

When a man tells a lie,he drops out a very bad smell in air.

A good Muslim always speaks truth even if it takes courage.

Few people have a habit of telling lies just to make people laugh.this is bad.

Allah's messenger has reported to have said "woe to him who tells false things just to make people laugh.A man speaks a word merely to amuse others and he is thrown into farthest place on its account." A man slips more by his tongue than by his foot.

A Muslim guards his tongue against speaking ill to others:

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A Muslim guards his tongue against speaking ill to others:

The Qur'an says:"O you who believe, avoid suspicion.some suspicion is sin. Do not spy. Do not backbite one another.would any of you like to eat flesh of his dead brother(49:12)
Most guess-works are baseless and should be avoided. Inquiring too curiously into the affairs of others is also bad. A good Muslim keeps himself away from things that do not concern him.

 A good Muslim keeps himself away from things that do not concern him

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You must have realised how bad it is to speak ill of others. We are asked not to hurt people's feelings when they are present. How much worse it is when we allow our tongues to say things, true or false when they are absent. A good muslim,therefore,does not talk about othets who do wrong,unless he has a strong reason.

Talking too much is bad:

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Talking too much is bad:

Allah's messenger (p.b.u.h) never spoke unnecessarily.
What he said was always to the point and enough to make his meaning clear.you should not interrupt unnecessarily somebody who is talking to you.There are people who go on talking, never allowing others to complete what they are saying. This is very bad habit. A Muslim speaks only when necessary otherwise keeps silent. There is,however ,no harm in advising a friend to correct his mistakes.
When boys or girls of other faiths ask us about our religion we should feel happy to tell them everything we believe and do.

When boys or girls of other faiths ask us about our religion we should feel happy to tell them everything we believe and do

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So guys what you have learnt?
Will you girls stop lieing,backbiting and talking less? Will you guys!

In sha Allah... We will!

Hope you guys are liking our work. Guys do invite to you friends on this page/account as a sadqa-e-jaria.

Your's sister of islam -@Dazzling_nehu

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