6. The Importance Of Mother In Islam

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It is reported in the 'Sahih' that a man came to the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) and said: "O Messenger of Allah, who is most deserving of my kind treatment?" He replied: "Your mother." The man asked: "Then who?" He replied: "Your mother." The man asked again: "Then who?" He replied: "Your mother." The man asked again: "Then who?" He replied: "Your father."

For nine long months, she took you in her self. All the pain that she had to borne, all her sufferings and all her sleepless nights were forgotten when for the first time she took you in her arms.

She smiled at her little world she held and a tear of happiness left her eyes. She knew she was blessed.

She dressed you up and cooked for you without a frown on her face though you kept complaining and she happily did everything for you without expecting anything in return.

When you were alone and helpless,
She stood firm by your side.
She sacrificed her own happiness,
Just to make you happy.

She smiled with you,
And cried with you.
Coz your pain was hers
But at times hers, was just hers.
A sad reality of life.

Mother, this one simple word weighs a lot and holds a deep meaning. It says so much about the one whom the Almighty chose as a way of bringing us in the world.

Islam has given a lot of importance to the status of a mother. Even if a child just looks at his mother with love, he gets reward equal to that of a hajj. Subhan Allah

" Paradise lies under the feet of your mother." - Propet Mohammad ( Peace by Upon Him) A mother is a road to heaven for her child. Isn't our Islam so beautiful?

Though I'm pretty sure everyone loves their mothers a lot but some of us do not show it. Don't stop yourself from expressing your love towards your mother, tell her how much she means to you, either say it or show it with your actions, help her by every possible means. She holds such a place in our lives that her love can never be replaced with that of someone else.

Often we misbehave with her, say things that we should not or talk to her in a rude tone, just know that she does not deserve this. Never hurt your mother because you will never get another.

The extent of sufferings resulting from disobedience to mothers can be seen from the following hadeeth:

Once, when the Prophet(PBUH) was talking to his companions a man came and addressed him, "O Messenger of Allah ! A young man is breathing his last. People are asking him to recite Shahadah but he is unable to do so." The Prophet(PBUH) asked, "Did this man offer salah (during his life)?" The answer was yes. Then he accompanied the man to the house of the dying young man along with others present at the time. The man was at the end of his life's journey. The Messenger of Allah advised him to offer the Shahadah. The m an replied that he was unable to do so as the words would not come out of his mouth. He (PBUH) then called for the mother of the dying man whom he had disobeyed persistently.

When his aged mother approached the scene, the Prophet (PBUH) asked, 'Respected lady, is he your son?" She replied yes. He then asked her a question, "O respected lady, if we threaten to throw your son into a raging fire, would you recommend him to be forgiven?" The lady replied that she would definitely do so at that time. The Prophet(PBUH) then said to her, "If so, declare, making Allah and me your witnesses, that you are mow pleased with him." The old woman readily declared, "O Allah, you and your Messenger be my witness that I am pleased with this beloved son of mine."

Just after that, the Prophet (PBUH) turned to the dying man and asked him to recite, "There is no god but Allah, He is the One and has no partners and I witness that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger." By the virtue of the forgiveness of his mother, he found the words flowing out of his mouth and he recited the Shahadah. Seeing this, the Prophet (PBUH) praised Almighty Allah and thanked Him saying, "Thanks to Almighty Allah that He saved this man from the fearful fire of Hell through me." (Tabarani and Ahmad).

Never hurt your mother, she is the one who loves you so much to never leave your side.

Today's technology has, to a lot of extent made many of us distant from our family. Though we are physically with them, but mentally we aren't. No doubt it removes the barrier of distance but do not let it hamper your relations with your family.

Instead of wasting time everywhere else, give your time to the woman who is a means to bring you in this world, talk to her, smile at her, believe me these small gestures would make her day.

There are many children who lost their mothers at a very young age, no one knows the importance of mothers more than them. Do not ignore the blessing you have. Just think about it, nothing would make her happier when you sit with her, talk to her, give a helping hand. Do not let technology or anyother thing that keeps you away from your loved ones win. It's in your hand either to waste time and earn no good deed or make your mother, your family happy and earn reward and endless blessings from them.

By : WordDreamer10

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