Chapter 4:Who's that girl?!

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"All that Syrio Forel had taught her went racing through her head

Swift as a deer, quiet  as shadow 

Fear cuts deeper than swords.

Quick as snake, calm as still water

Fear cuts deeper than swords.

Strong as bear, fierce as Wolverine

Fear cuts deeper than swords.

The man who fears losing has already  lost

Fear cuts deeper than swords."




"Okay Man here you go...My full name is 'Rajkumari(princess)  Kiara   Matheli   Millenrai'
daughter of 'Matheli   Maheshwar   Millenrai',
granddaughter of 'Maharana(king)   Maheshwar   Millenrai'
and next on the line of 'Millenrai' throne."

Phew! I took a deep breath.

Man it was one hefty intro!

Now when I realise that, I finally have said my full name without forgetting it.

It definitely feels quite odd that I'm a Millenrai, because there is hardly any resemblance between me and the royal family.

You can say that I was the long lost princess in a jungle, after years I found out who I'm, with me wearing all those Tarzan panties and behaving all wild, you can say I was a female equivalent of Tarzan, but nope instead of Tarzan panties I'm here standing in my shredded clothes and weary eyes.

After I gave my introduction the security guard was gawking at me, as if I have spoken some different language.

And from the look on his face I can't tell, whether he was surprised or just scared, as his mouth was opening and closing like a fish, but he couldn't form a word.

Suddenly I heard someone calling me.

"Oh my god! is that you Kiara!".

A woman in her late thirties was approaching me, I noted that she was quite a beautiful lady she got that raven hair and big hazel eyes.

By the way she is dressed, I can tell that her fashion sense was quite good.

She was smiling at me, as if she saw a cute little puppy on the road, but in my case I was looking no less than a female version of 'Rogue'.

But somewhere in my mind I can say, that I have seen her before.

"Yes it's me, sorry do I know you?"

I asked her being little confused, as I can't recollect whether I know her or not.

"Oh! So you don't remember me! Well it's not your fault, it's been five years since I last saw you dear, but hey here I found you! my name is 'Maya Dello' ".

The lady gave her intro by little smiling at me.

Maya Dello I mumbled myself, I heard that name before but I couldn't recollect it suddenly realisation hit me, she is my mother's childhood friend Maya my Aunt.

Last time I saw her was five years back during my grandpa's peace ceremony, she used to look after me when grandpa was busy with his business, she was the daughter of the manager of my grandpa more like a courtier in olden times.

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