Chapter 40: A visit to East.

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I wasn't pessimistic nor did I believe in worldly gestures,

I was just inquisitive to learn these humanly gestures,

I will, I do and I definitely will.

Promises that they made in their own satirical way,

Which left me bounded to the fetters of their lies,

Defined frame, confident stance, looking straight into your eyes they promised you the very lies.

But we live in the 21st century,

It is okay to break a promise; it is okay to say the lies,

it is okay to break someone's heart by not following the promises you crossed upon your heart,

How many times have you heard this quote that 'don't make a promise that you don't intend to keep'

That's why olden people gave more importance to promises because they know how intoxicated it gets when it's broken.

I believe in keeping your own words to yourself,

Don't open your mouth if you can't follow,

Don't try to create bond for your selfishness,

Don't do the compulsive gesture, which leaves the other person for craving more,

Don't get attached so much that you're bound to make a promise which you can't follow till your last breath,

It is okay, it is alright you don't need to get acquainted with me to only leave me one day,

As I see you walk by,

Let me tell you how hard it hurts when a promise is broken,

A humanly soul, with 24/7 pain in your heart, just like bullets piercing apart,

Don't laugh scan the people around you,

Or better look at yourself tell me honestly have you not felt this guilt apart,

I have a very simple rule in my life,

Which I follow with my heart,

Never trust a person twice, who broke your promise thrice,

Cause if they can't do what they said they'll,

They are not good enough to have your worthy promise,

So you silently back away from their futile lies,

Once betrayed shame on them,

A Maverick Girl's Tale. [C♂mpl£t£d✔️💯]Where stories live. Discover now