Chapter 16: Old hag.

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Tryst of hearts

He hold my hand, he looked in my eyes,

I can't deny the feelings inside my soul,

For once in my lifetime, there was someone,

Who created this blister of storm inside my heart,

I tried and tried, but oh! I was so lost,

He created a turmoil of his own love,

It was fascinating and alluring to know,

That something so fragile and loving can even exist,

It was our rendezvous, to be lost in the bliss of love,

I called it as our Tryst of Destiny,

But he called it as our 'Tryst of hearts'

- Trishala. A .


Hello there people, Finally an update in ages!!!! Missed me ;)

Apparently my exams are not yet finished, but I thought why not give you a surprise! So condsider this as your Christmas gift!
Lol I know its way too early....but you missed it right....


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I was standing ideally, staring at my old apartment building in front of me, which somehow looks like a haunted place and trust me, I'm not kidding.

The way the mahogany coloured doors were decked up, hiding the horrors of a one room kitchen apartment behind them, was quite depressing in itself.

Indeed I made a wrong decision; maybe I should rent another apartment because this eerie feeling was quite cataclysmic in my situation. Even my so called psychiatrist suggested living in some healthy environment.

But who cares! Certainly some old looking apartment won't be that bad, it can surely hold up to my plausible expectations, as they are quite low to reach out.

But I immediately regretted saying that, as soon as someone on the ground floor of the building closed their door out with a bang! yet not so peacefully, with a smack noise a handful of white cement fell off the lobby, giving the ceiling its very own carving of cracks, as I stared in horror.

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