Chapter 15: A Flower Thief.

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For I was yours,
And you were mine,
To love me whole,
To love me right,
For fates have played
there moves ahead,
But its your eyes that hold me tight,
For I have lost my heart that day.
You made me still,
You made me warm,
You made me transfixed in your spell,
My heartbeat stopped the moment when,
You stared at me with your grey orbs.

By: Trishala. A.



I opened my eyes at the sound of announcement, finally my flight landed. As the passengers started to get up and leave, I sat there silently watching them.

I didn't knew that I was the last one to leave the flight as I was busy observing the people around me, some were with their families, kids crying as their mothers tried to calm them. And some were busy to get back home, everyone had some purpose or the other and here I'm clueless about my life, questioning myself what I'm basically going to do about it.

The flight attendant gave me a polite smile, as I left....reclaiming my bags; from the baggage counter I tapped my feet while they were checking my passport. After doing the needful, I went straight to the waiting lounge as I couldn't find out the person I was looking for.

I plumped myself on the plush cushioned chairs as I called my broker Henry, he was the one who found out a small room kitchen apartment rental, because it was really difficult for me to find out a plausible living shed with my budget that I could freaking afford.

So whatever came in my way, I accepted it with opened arms.

I dialled in his number from my contact list leaning over the cool surface of the glassed table, it rang for a few minutes and then he cut- it off.

Huh! Strange, he never really does that....

I continued calling him again, but in the end I got the same results, a strange shiver ran down my spine, as I got nervous and anxious, the worry of being totally alone in an unknown country ran through my mind, without any contacts and knowing out my way, was eating me alive.

I decided to wait some more, a thought of doing something recreational ran through my mind, I was bored of waiting....Every now and then I glanced up at people around me, no one seems to be familiar as that short haired, middle aged broker Henry, it was the basic look that I could recall from all those Skype calls I made with him.

But then suddenly a girl came in front of me with a huge bag in her hands, I can very well say from the looks of it that she was an artist, as I couldn't miss the huge canvass stuck in her arms and not to mention her huge suitcase which was telling the story itself. She also arrived at the airport just like me.

She gave me a polite smile as she firmly stared at me in the eye, okay this is getting weird.....normally I get awkward when I face eye contacting people but from her features I could make out that she is a fellow Indian, but in my case this is bad,what if she really knows me?.

Damn! Did media leaked my images on the internet, I should have been alert.....indeed there were some reporters back when I left the Millenrai Ville.

"Hey excuse me, if you don't mind.... can I sit with you, all the chairs are occupied" She asked me nervously, phew this was news.... at least she doesn't know me.

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