Chapter 46: I Chose Freedom.

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*This is the final chapter, I apparently waited months to write it and finally when the time came to publish it I feel nervous and concerned whether this would be good enough. Will my readers like this chapter, keeping these thoughts in my mind I waited for the inspiration to struck me and finally when it struck me it's up to read. Enjoy each and every word you read, Happy reading ;)

~Trishala. A .


Zenith's aka Alexus's POV

She left me alone standing in the corner astonished with her unpredictable talks, as I watched her short figure walking down the halls, surely she did looked splendid in that dress she wore, looking nothing less than a Diva, my Diva.

I smiled at the thought of her being mine, as twisted as it sounds I loved her since the time we met first. I clearly remember that eight year old Kiara, she looked pretty. Even in her chubby look, I loved her back then. She was my first love, the only girl that I have led eyes upon.

There was something fascinating about her black doe eyes which were so big and cute. I wonder what kind of eyes her children will have. I love her more than my life; my only regret is that I could never tell her, because I know she won't believe me even if I tell her.

Like hell back in childhood days I took the pains to kidnap her, I always knew she never wanted this life of being a princess, I already planned our escape, but then when I told her about my plan. She told me I was being stupid, I guess she thought I was a child back then, but I was fully capable to do far more wild things than she can ever imagine.

I was an Aham, I was trained for the impossible back in the childhood. Even Sid very well knew that when it comes to me and Kiara there's no limit, I was born to be the King of Aham just like Kiara was born to be the queen. I only wish is that I could bring back the old Kiara, she was so much lively and easy to talk to.

It was because of my stupid mistake that she got amnesia, like hell I was literally thrown out of my own house. Uncle Vridhaan was really upset with me as soon as he came to know about my plans, smart enough of him that he manipulated the story about me wanting the throne and nothing else, because if Jyaya would have known about me kidnapping her for my own means, he will never forgive me for forcing Kiara to escape with me. I totally understand his concern also, at that time the crown needed a Queen and Kiara was their only hope, certainly the only true heir of Millenrai's.

If it weren't of my grandmother Zelda, Uncle Vridhaan would have literally killed me for doing this to Kiara, he loved her dearly because of her mother. Though he never discussed that with anyone but I knew, Matheli Millenrai was a touchy topic for him and he always cared about her.

Today when I saw her with that Jeff guy, I clearly understood she was going to be in trouble. The way she was staring at Jyaya with her big hopeful eyes gave away the story.

I would have never intervened in her matters as Jyaya is always their around her, but today was different, today Jyaya was busy talking with Sid's parents.

So I needed to intervene, I can still feel her stares on my forehead the way she was looking at me with shock evident in her eyes. That was the closest I can be near her.

Because last time she let me in her space was when we kissed back at Trystine's place. Though I was really upset with myself to steal away her first kiss, but somehow it made me happy.

Sorry but I wasn't really sorry I mentally thought.

"Zenith, what are you doing there standing in the corner, that spoon you're staring for past ten minutes won't bend with your psychic powers. Come here and help me with these drinks" hollered Lucifer as he juggled between three glasses of wine.

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