Chapter 6: Prayers

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He was joking right? TWO Osomatsu's? How? Well it might just be a coincidence but... they look exactly the same. They even have the same smirk!

"I um...", your voice was shaking. "(y/n), are you okay?", Karamatsu walked to you, taking your hand. It was silent for a few seconds. Everyone looked at you, concern on their faces. "Is everything alright?", Choromatsu asked. "Can we be alone for a minute or two please?", Karamatsu asked his brothers. They all looked at him confused. Karamatsu sighed, giving each of them some money so they could buy something to eat.

After they left the room, it was only you, Karamatsu and demon Osomatsu. Karamatsu looked around. Then he put his hand on your shoulder. "Listen to me, (y/n)." You eyed him. His hair was a bit messy, he looked tired and worried. Demon Osomatsu came closer, you could feel his warm breath on your neck. "(y/n), I never told you, but..." Karamatsu stopped. "I am a priest." You looked at him, confused. "And what's so special about that?" "Well, you know what a priest does right?" You nodded. "I can feel that there is a demon right behind you. I can only see its figure like a shadow. But there is definitely one behind you. Don't move. I have holy water and a cross with me." Karamatsu opened his bag. "N-no wait!", you yelled. He looked at you. "But the demon will hurt you! It's going to kill you!" "Yea, of course because that's exactly what demons do. I thought you were a priest, Kara. I'm disappointed in you.", Demon Osomatsu whispered. "Shhh, be quiet!", you whispered back. Karamatsu stared at you. "D-did you just talk to it?" "Oh fudge what are we gonna do now?", Demon Osomatsu whispered. You looked at Karamatsu, sighing. "Okay, listen, I can't hide it forever, so I'm just gonna tell you. But promise me you will believe me." Karamatsu hesitated but nodded. "So before you found me, I was dead. Well almost dead. You received a phone call from me, right?" He nodded. "Well that phone call wasn't from me. It was from a demon that saved me. When I 'woke up', I was in this black tunnel. You know the one where when you die, you walk through it and either go to heaven or hell. I met this demon, the one that's presence you can feel right now. He's in this room. His name is Osomatsu, like your brother. A day ago, he visited me 'in the real world' and told me that he came to take my soul, but he couldn't do it yet since I haven't done anything bad. So we became friends and he even explained to me how heaven and hell works." You looked at Karamatsu. "He's a good demon. He's not going to hurt me, he even saved me. If he wouldn't have stopped my wound from bleeding, I would have died." Karamatsu sighed. "I believe you." You smiled. "And you can even talk to him?", Karamatsu asked. You nodded. "Do you want to talk to him?" "(y/n), I'm a priest, I can talk to demons whenever I want.", he chuckled.

Karamatsu's brothers knocked and the door was opened. They brought food and something to drink. After a few more hours of talking and getting to know each other, they had to leave. It was fun and you decided to visit them as soon as you could leave the hospital. You were excited but Demon Osomatsu wasn't really pleased that you told your friend everything about him. You brushed it off as him being jealous, which made him a bit angry. But since he wasn't the most serious person, he forgot about his anger immediately.

I am sorry, this was a lot shorter than the other chapters but I didn't have much time. I got a lot of exams the next weeks so I won't be able to update. I'm not feeling very well and school's just stressing me out (7 weeks until summer vacation *prays*). I'll update when I've taken all my exams. I also don't really know how to continue the story right now, so I'll need to think about that too.

Anyways thank you for reading and enjoying my fic~ I was also thinking about writing some 'Osomatsu-san x Reader' One Shots, what do you guys think about that? Of course it'll take even more time to write these, so they will probably come in the near future but I want to know if you'd like to read them (you can request either per private message or under an info I'll post during the next days~)

Thank you for reading and understanding! (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)

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