Chapter 9: Confession

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A guide to this and (maybe) the next chapters:

•In this chapter Demon Osomatsu possessing your body is written in bold letters:

•Sentences that begin and end with »« signify that Demon Osomatsu is thinking .

Demon Osomatsu's anger has gone away and he thought he was ready to possess your body. He hoped that nobody would notice that 'you' weren't your usual self. It was about 2:54 am and after walking around the hospital room for a bit, he vanished into the dephts of your body. You took a deep breath. "Oh god why am I so tired?", you mumbled, yawning. "Maybe I should go to sleep. I haven't slept in like... never." Laying down on the bed, you took the blanket and fell asleep in a few seconds.

You woke up 10 hours later, confused and hungry. "Holy sheeh it's already 1pm? I must have been so tired." You heard a knock on the door. "Who could that be?" You opened the door. In front of you stood Karamatsu. "Hey (y/n). How are you?" You looked at him. "I'm good but why are you here, human- I mean Karamatsu. My friend. My very good friend." You placed your hand on his shoulder. He looked at you in confusion. "Are you okay (y/n)? Have you forgotten that I wanted to take you home today?" You smiled. "Ah, y-yes you told me!" Karamatsu raised his eyebrow. "Have you packed your stuff? Are you ready to go, (y/n)?", he took your hand. "Um... n-no, not yet! C-can you wait outside for a few seconds, I'll pack my stuff and then we can go!", you stuttered. Karamatsu nodded and left the room. You sighed. »Well this is awkward, now I gotta pack (y/n)'s clothes. A-and.. h-her...« You looked around and opened the closet. 'Normal' clothes like t-shirts, trousers, two jackets of which one of them was a leather jacket, a present from Karamatsu. It had a skull on its back. You shrugged. You packed all your clothes but there was one wardrobe you haven't looked in yet. You slowly opened it and what you saw was exactly what you expected. »Is this..« Underwear. Panties, bras, what you need as a girl. You blushed, taking a pair of blue and white striped panties and looking at it. Karamatsu knocked and opened the door. "Are you ready yet, (y/n)?" You threw the panties back into the wardrobe. "Y-yea, one sec!" Karamatsu closed the door again and You took your underwear and put it in your suitcase. "I'm ready Karamatsu!" You smiled at him. He smiled back, taking your hand again and leading you out of the hospital. "(y/n), can I ask you something?" "Wh-What is it Karamatsu?" He took your other hand. You stared at him nervously. »Is he going to-« "Do you want to go to the beach with me and my brothers?" "Y-you mean like me? And you? And your brothers? To the beach?" Karamatsu nodded. "L-like today?" He nodded again. "U-um I-I don't know", you stuttered. "Come on, it'll be fun! We're going now, my brothers are already waiting for us!", he smiled. "W-What?"

Without any hesitation he took you to the beach with his brothers. They greeted you, shaking your hand and giving you little presents. You thanked them and you all had a fun day at the beach. You tried to avoid Karamatsu but he didn't seem to notice.
It was about 6:12pm when you all decided to go home. Karamatsu stopped you by placing his hand on your shoulder. "Can I talk to you, (y/n)?" You turned around. "I have to tell you something very important." You stared at him. "But first..." He put his hands on your cheeks. They were burning. "K-Karamatsu, what are you-" Before you could finish your sentence, your lips touched. "I love you, (y/n). I've loved you since the first day we met. I love you with all my heart." "A-ah um K-Kara... I-I don't know w-what to say I-I-" "It's okay, take your time. I will accept your answer, no matter what.", he answered, smiling. You blushed, looking away. »No, no, no, no, no he did not just freakin' kiss me. Wow okay. What am I supposed to say now?« "U-um Karamatsu, I... I'm-" Before you could answer, he kissed you again. "K-Kara please stop-" You tried to get away but he held you in his arms. »Seriously, stop.« "K-Kara, I'm sorry.", you could free yourself from his embrace. "I don't like you this way." Karamatsu smiled. "That's okay, I'll just love you secretly then." "But Karamatsu-" He put his finger on your mouth. »Oh god why are you like this. So painful.«

"We gotta go home now you two.", Choromatsu said. "Should we drive you home, (y/n)?" "Ah no thank you, I'll walk home.", you answered. "No, (y/n). We'll drive you home. There might be creepy, old men out there. I want you to be safe.", Choromatsu said. You sighed. "Alright if that's your wish." You got in the car, trying to avoid having to sit next to Karamatsu which failed horribly. The whole car ride was a mess and very awkward but somehow you got through it. "Thanks for the ride. Get home well.", you said, closing the car door. You waved 'till the car was gone, sighing and sitting on the door step. »Gosh does (y/n) have a key with her? I hope so.« While trying to find the key you thought about what happened today. »I can't tell her that this guy confessed to her. Or should I? No. No I shouldn't. But it would be the right thing to do. Who am I kidding. I won't tell her.« "Are you jealous?" You looked around. "Who said that?" "You know exactly who, demon." "What demon? Here is no demon. It's just me ." You could hear a laughter. "Don't try to fool me. I know you. And you know me." "SHOW YOURSELF.", you said loudly. Footsteps could be heard and you could see a silouette coming from the dark.

I'm back!! And I have so many new chapters for you guys~ Thank you all so much for reading and enjoying my story! I love you all, you always make my day!~ Also thanks for almost 3k reads (⊙_☉) I never thought that this would get so popular (⌒_⌒;)

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