Chapter 11: The Fallen Angel

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"Tell me.", you said as you stared at Jyushimatsu. "Why." "I wanted to- we wanted to-" "YOU WANTED, WE WANTED I DON'T CARE. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT I AM THE ANGEL ON THE PICTURE?!" "(y/n), I am very sorry but we wanted to protect you. Would you listen to me, please?", he said, looking at you hopefully. "Why should I? You lied to me. You betrayed me. You hurt me.", you answered. Not showing any emotional reaction, you continued to stare at him. Was he for real? Listening to a traitor was not one of your options. But still you wanted to know what he wanted to tell you. "I will tell you everything what you want to know. But please, listen to me first." You groaned. "Alright." Jyushimatsu took your hand. "Thank you." You rolled your eyes. "So. You already know that you're the angel on the photo. You don't remember anything because Choromatsu erased your memory. Before you 'died' and came here, you weren't human. You were an angel, just like me. But you did something horrible. That's why Choromatsu took away your wings. You might have noticed the scars on your back?" Gladly there was mirror behind you. You lifted your shirt and turned around. "There they are.", you sighed angrily. "Yes. The scars were your wings. You had the brightest and biggest wings of all angels because your purity, sanity and kindness was bigger than those of the others." "And why did I lose them? What was the horrible thing I did?" Jyushimatsu looked at you. "You killed another angel." "Well. I-" "You seemed to enjoy it." You blew air out of your nose. "I was always a bit sadistic." "How could you. You were the best. The best angel ever. But you threw it away like it was worth nothing. Tell me why... why did you..." He looked at you with tears in his eyes. You stared at him. "I don't know. You erased my memory, remember?", you said. "Oh no.", you heard a voice from downstairs. "Choromatsu?", you and Jyushimatsu said. "Did she find out that-" He stared at you both. "Oh no.", he said again, sighing while closing his eyes. "(y/n), I'm sorry you had to learn it this way. Yes, you are the person on the photo. I erased your memory and took away your wings because you murdered an angel. You were sent to earth as a human to learn how to be a better person. We, especially I, thought you could be brought back to heaven after a few centuries but nothing happened. You were reborn many times but you just didn't want to learn. Then you were reborn as the person you are right now. You made friends with a priest-" "Karamatsu?", you asked. "Yes. You made friends with him because we sent him your way. Do you remember how you met him?" "Yes of course. I met him at the park. He called me an angel." "Yes, he did. That's because he's a priest. He can see your wings.", Choromatsu said. "What? I thought it was just a stupid pick-up line." "Well, unfortunately it wasn't. He doesn't just metaphorically see you as an angel, he sees a real angel. Only he can see your wings, even if they aren't really there anymore." "And all that because he's a priest?", you asked confused. Choromatsu nodded. "Yes. But if you don't change within the next day, you won't get your wings again." "And what then? Will I still be able to go to heaven?" Choromatsu shook his head. "No. You will have to decide. There will be the option to be good and the option to be bad. If you choose to be good, you will stay here as the best angel and you will get your wings back. If you choose to be bad, you will suffer for all eternity. In hell."
Silence filled the room. "Choose wisely, (y/n).", Choromatsu said as he left the library. "Jyushimatsu?" "Yes, Choromatsu-sama?", Jyushimatsu asked. Choromatsu turned around. "Take (y/n) back to earth please. And give her the special clock I made so she can see how much time she has left." "Yes, Choromatsu-sama.", Jyushimatsu said, handing you the watch. "Thank you, I guess?", you said, raising your voice. "I hope you change, (y/n). I miss you." He took your hand and softly kissed you on the cheek.

You woke up in your bedroom. Your skin felt hot and somehow it hurt like you got burned. The room looked normal, your clothes were on the floor and you were sitting on your bed. Your back felt like someone poured hot water on it and laying down made you scream in pain. "It's 8:29am. " You got dressed. "I'm not at the hospital anymore. Didn't Karamatsu say he wanted to take me home? I hope Osomatsu did a good impression of me. Where is he though? I want to talk to him." You looked around but the demon boy was nowhere in sight. "Osomatsu? Are you here?", you yelled. No answer. "Osomatsu? This isn't funny. Where are you?" You coughed. "My... throat... it feels like I got choked." You could hear footsteps coming closer. "Wh-Who is this?", you asked yourself. The footsteps came even closer. "O-Osomatsu? I-is that you?" Seeing who it was made you feel relieved. "Karamatsu, you scared me.", you said. He laughed. "I'm sorry (y/n). I took you home because you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you." "Oh okay.", you smiled at him. "Wh-why am I only in my underwear though?", you asked, blushing. "Oh, you had a nightmare and you were sweating so I thought I should change your clothes." You sighed. "Thank god." A stinging pain hit you. "Is everything alright, (y/n)?" You shook your head. "My back and throat hurt really bad. What happened?" Karamatsu stared at you without saying a word. "K-Karamatsu?", you asked.

Ok say I'm sorry to say this but this story will end soon ;; I don't know what I'm gonna write next yet, maybe a story with my own characters since I'm better at that. Tell me in the comments if you'd like to read that kind of story or recommend what I could write about (maybe one shots?) Anyways thank you all for reading! _(:3」∠)_

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