Chapter 12: It's me!

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"(y/n), I don't know where your pain came from. I noticed burns on your back and hands after I undressed you because you were sweating. I don't know who did that to you. But I will find them and they will pay for it." "Thank you, Karamatsu. But what about my throat?", you asked him, smiling a bit. "That, I don't know either. Maybe you ate something that was too sharp? And now your throat hurts?", he answered. "Do you want to drink something? Water maybe?" You nodded. "But it feels like I got choked by someone." "Heh, you're funny, (y/n)! Who would choke such a beautiful lady?", he said, smiling at you. You blushed. "You think so?" Karamatsu nodded, taking your hand. "Of course. Now drink something, okay?"

"Osomatsu. Come here.", a voice said. Osomatsu opened his eyes. There was darkness all around him. "You failed." "I-I can explain I-", he said with a shaking voice. "No. You had your chance and you wasted it.", the voice interrupted him. "Give me one more chance! Everybody deserves a second chance, right?", Osomatsu laughed nervously. "Uh.. r-right?" It was silent. "U-um master?" "You get one last chance. I will bring you to earth, as a human relatively close to (y/n). You will have to convince her that you're a demon and that someone she knows well is bad for her and will eventually hurt her. Bring me her soul within the next day and you will be free to do with her whatever is needed. If you fail again, there will be consequences. Your punishment will not be avoided.", the voice said. Osomatsu nodded. "Yes, master. I will bring you (y/n)'s soul." The darkness around Osomatsu vanished and a bright light hit his eyes. "ONE. LAST. CHANCE."

The echo of the voice disappeared and Osomatsu woke up in a trashcan. "How convinient.", he said, trying to get out. "Nii-san, what are you doing here?, he heard a voice. "Who is this?", Osomatsu asked confused. "Ichimatsu." »Who?« "I wanted to feed the cats here. Why are you in a trashcan?" "Oh um.. I thought this might be a good place to... um.. chill out?", he tried to smile, rubbing the bridge under his nose. "Oh. Okay.", Ichimatsu answered, taking out a can of cat food. "Do you want to feed the cats with me, nii-san?" He hesitated but decided to join.
After a few hours of feeding cats, playing with cats, talking to cats, looking at cats, trying to talk to Ichimatsu but having him not pay attention to Osomatsu because he had more fun looking at the cats, the two of them decided to go home. "The others should be home too by now.", Ichimatsu said, opening the door. Osomatsu was greeted by 3 others that looked identical to Ichimatsu and even to Osomatsu. "Osomatsu nii-san, where were you?", the one with the green hoodie asked. "Um... I fed the cats with.." "Why didn't you tell us? We searched everywhere but we couldn't find you! You scared us, nii-san.", the pink-hooded one said. "Ahaha I'm sorry, I don't want you to be worried about me. Well anyways I'm here now, so..!", Osomatsu laughed. "Just don't do that again, okay?", the green one said. "Where is Kusomatsu?", Ichimatsu asked. "Um I think he said he wanted to see if (y/n)'s alright.." The green one looked at the clock. "That was about 3 hours ago." "Um, question: where does (y/n) live again?", Osomatsu asked. Everybody looked at him confused. "Why do you wanna know?" "U-um.. I too, want to see if she's okay.", Osomatsu answered.  "Um okay.", the green one said.

After being confused for 5 more minutes they finally told Osomatsu where (y/n) lived. He immediately went to (y/n)'s apartment, knocking on the door. "(y/n)? You there?" The door was opened and in front of Osomatsu stood Karamatsu. "Osomatsu nii-san, what are you doing here?", he asked, smiling and hugging him. "Can I talk to (y/n) for a sec, please? It's important." "Yes, yes of course, come in!", Karamatsu said. He led Osomatsu in. "Osomatsu! Hello, how are you?", you asked him. "I'm good, can I talk to you for a second, (y/n)? It's very important." You looked at him confused. "Yea su-" "We're playing spin the bottle right now, can it wait 'till we're finished? You can play with us, nii-san! Your turn.", Karamatsu interrupted you, grabbing Osomatsu's hand and making him sit next to you. Osomatsu sighed, spinning the bottle. Unfortunately, it stopped pointing to Karamatsu. "Um... do I have to?" You nodded heavily, grinning and blushing. Osomatsu sighed again. "Cheek?" You shook your head. "Lips." Osomatsu groaned, leaning towards Karamatsu. Their lips touched for a second until they both pulled away quickly. "Great, can I talk to you now, (y/n)?", Osomatsu asked, looking at you. You nodded. "Let's go to my room, Kara, please wait here!", you said, taking Osomatsu's hand and leading him to your room. "So, what do you want to tell me, Osomatsu?" "(y/n), listen. You probably won't believe me, but I am Osomatsu." You giggled. "Yes, I can see that. But why is it so important? It's obvious." "No, you don't understand me. I am Osomatsu. The demon." "Are you alright Osomatsu? Do you have a fever?", you put your hand on his forehead. "No! I am a demon. The demon you met a few days ago? We talked 24/7? I told you about heaven and hell?" "No. That can't be. Demons do not exist. Nor do heaven and hell. You're talking nonsense Osomatsu. You better leave now and rest.  You might really have a fever. A very bad one. You're imagining things." "No, you have to believe me, (y/n). Someone close to you is not who you think they are." "What are talking about?! Leave my apartment, now."

I think this story is slowly turning into blmatsu, oops ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter~ 

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