8] Putting his Life on the Line

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8] Putting his life on the line

Well, after a day, we both went home. Your Dada Jaan and Dadi Jaan stayed with us for a week. They absolutely adored you. Dadi Jaan recited all the surahs she remembered and blew on you as soon as she held you. After all, you were her first grandchild.

Faaris was more than helpful in every step. He helped me with every single thing. He woke up with me at night when you would start crying, he would change your diapers, and would also help with the housework even though he had to go to office every single day.

You grew up to be a really healthy baby. So soft and chubby! Three months later, August 14, 2007 arrived. That, my dear, was your first national holiday! On the night of August 13th there was a grand function. Kids sang milli naghmas(1), delivered speeches and there was even a play on the making of Pakistan!

This one child who was about 12 years old played Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and he almost copied Quaid's style of giving speeches. It was amazing. At 10 seconds to midnight, everyone present there participated in the countdown.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, PAKISTAN ZINDABAAD!" The whole crowd of people roared. All officers, all soldiers, all ladies, all kids. Even you. Well, you just shrieked with joy when we shouted Pakistan Zindabaad, but still.

The sky erupted with colours as there was a wonderful display of fireworks. It was heavenly. I can not describe the feeling of utter joy that burst in my heart.

"Alhamdolillah!" I exclaimed subconsciously. I was thankful to Allah for blessing us with a home.


You were always more attached to your Father. It was always 'Baba' never, 'Mama'. Your first word was 'Baba' and after that you learnt many words, all except 'Mama'. You even learned to say 'Aaidel' (Haider) before learning the word Mama.

I felt the happiest woman alive, when I was with my little family.

And years went by, like a gust of wind.

It was the beginning of May, 2009. You were almost 2 by now. I was sitting in our front yard, waiting for Faaris to come home. In the morning, he had called from his office, telling me that he had, what he thought, some exciting news. I eagerly waiting for him, with you on my lap.

"Baba?" You asked, holding my face in your hands.

"Haan jee! Baba! Baba aa rahe hain! Baba aa rahe hain!(2)" I replied in a excited voice.

"Baba! Baba! Baba!" You exclaimed in glee, slapping both my cheeks at the same time.

Just then, the gate opened and Faaris drove his car in. He had not noticed us, as we were in a corner, under a tree. He parked his car and smartly got out. He looked handsome in his camouflage army uniform. It clearly showed that he was a Pakistan army major and on the top, right side, it said 'Sanaullah', while to its opposite, on the left, it said 'Pak Army' in bold, capital letters.

"Baba!" You exclaimed in glee and ran off to him. He picked you up and threw you up in the air. He gracefully caught you and you let out a joyful shriek.

"Assalam o Alykum!" He greeted me.

"Walykum Assalam, Faaru. How was the day?" I asked, walking up to him. I kissed my finger and touched his cheek with it. He was far too tall for me to actually kiss his cheek.

"Great! I got some good news. Well kind of." He said. You was had taken off his cap and was playing with his unit badge.

"Tell me!" I exclaimed.

"At least let me change first, Jaan."

"Ugh. Fine. Give babbar to me." I told him and he obliged.

Your name, Haider means Lion, right? So, Faaris gave you the nickname Babbar which also means Lion.

Faaris went inside and I followed with you.

While he changed, I quickly set the dining table with our lunch.

As you know, in Pakistan, usually, lunch timing is after mid day, hence we ate late.

Faaris took his seat and I did too. We started eating the Daal and Chapli Kebabs, I had made. I fed bits of my food to you, although I had already fed you.

"Okay, now tell me." I said to Faaris.

"Okay. Well Falak, um... I exaggerated. A bit." He said sheepishly.

"Go on, Mr. Exaggerated-A-bit." I said, looking suspiciously at him.

"Okay. So.... I am being sent to..." he said but I cut him off.

"We are going? Where?" I asked, bubbling with excitement.

"Falak, not us. Me. I am being sent on the upcoming Operation Rah-e-Rast, to Swat." He said, looking intently at me.

"SWAT?" I exclaimed, loudly in utter shock.

"Waat!" You Echoed, slapping my face. I put you down and let you wander around.

"Why are you so over the moon?" I asked, looking at him. I had long forgotten my food.

"Because, Falak, This is what I signed up for. This is what I vowed to do. Falak, this my job. This is my life." He almost whispered, looking straight into my eyes.

"Faaris, I have been having my doubts."

"What sort of doubts?" He asked. His eyebrows knotted into a frown.

"About what you literally beg Allah for. I mean, you want an opportunity to serve this country, by putting your life on the line. But for what? I know you love Pakistan. I do too. What if you, Allah maaf kare(3), die there? How are you so sure that you'll be considered a shaheed in the eyes of Allah?" I replied, keeping my voice soft.

"Look, Falak, by serving this country, I am serving the Muslims who live here. That means I am serving Allah because they follow Him. Allah na kare(4), if Pakistan meets the dust, where will we go? To India? That country is a Hindu majority. The comfort we get here will never be available there. We only got our independence a few decades ago and now terrorists are trying to take over. I want to stop them. Make them meet the dust." He paused to breathe, "Everyone has to die one day, Falak. If I die there, I believe that Allah will consider me Shaheed. It is in his hand and in sha Allah he will. And dear, you are worrying for no reason at all. Nothing will happen to me."

And indeed, nothing happened.

I gulped.

"Faaris, I fully support you. What you are saying is right. If I can't go out in the field to fight those animals, I can at least support you." I replied. I finally understood. I never wanted him to go, but I still supported him.

''Thank you, Jaan." He said and kissed my temple.

I closed my eyes for just a second to relax.

"When are you going?"

"On 13th."


There was a silence.

"WHAT? 13th? It is 7th today!" I exclaimed as realisation dawned upon me.

Faaris kissed my nose and whispered, "I leave on 12th. I have to report to GHQ on 13th."

With that he ran to the bedroom with me chasing him.

You saw us allnd giggled before running after us.

(1)Milli naghmas: National songs
(2)Haan jee! Baba! Baba aa rahe hain! Baba aa rahe hain! : Yes! Baba! Baba is coming! Baba is coming!
(3)Allah maaf kare: May Allah forgive me.
(4)Allah na kare: Allah forbid.



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