Chapter 2

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Hey hey hey! I decided to go ahead and upload another chapter today, to keep things moving right along :) If anyone wants to make a cover for this story, send me a private message and ill give you mah email! Now, ready for some action???????????  

Song I Listened To While Writing: Broken by Seether feat. Amy Lee (I adore this song! Its so sweet! :D)

Picture: Ebony's wolf form :) ---------------->


*Lupe's POV* 

I groaned and put my head in my hands. Why? Why did this cruel world put me in this horrible math class? I hate math! (A/N no offense to the math-lovers out there! :D) I sat there for another few minutes, staring blankly at the confusing symbols on the board. I REALLY need a tutor. 

I felt something sharp hit my head, and I looked down at the floor at a paper throwing star. I glared at Ebony, who was across the room trying not to burst out laughing, and picked it up. Unfolding it, I saw a message written in neon pink ink:

Hey best friend!!! Whats up on your side of the room?????? I AM SOOOOOO HYPER!!!!! heeheeheeheehee REPLY NOW OR MY SUPER AWESOME ORANGE ELEPHANT NINJAS WILL EAT YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!!!!!!

I snorted in amusement and pulled out my blue pen, writing a reply:

Well currently the ceiling is up, and so is that projector and Wifi sensor, and the heating vent, and that stain where someone threw a McMuffin on the ceiling that one time...... and I can see that your hyper, judging by the fact that you threw paper at my face. Anyways, are you understanding a single thing Mr. Devon is saying??


I expertly folded the paper into a throwing star, and waited patiently for Ebony to look away from me. When she turned to laugh at a classmate who had fell out of his chair trying to pick up a pencil, I shot the star across the room, hitting her right in the cheek. Score. She stuck her tongue out at me playfully, then ripped open my note. When she tossed a star back to me, there was only two words on it:

Hahaha nope!

Before I could reply, the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. I grabbed my stuff and jogged over to Ebony.

"That was absolute TORTURE! I thought this day was never gonna end!" She grinned at me, then started to skip to her locker. I followed suit, heading over to my locker, and put in my combination. I threw my stuff inside and grabbed my bag. All of a sudden I heard a groan, and looked over to see Ebony clutching her stomach, pain etched into her features. I ran over to her side.

"Ebony! Are you okay?" She stared at me for a few seconds, terror evident on her face.

"I-I'm fine! I'm just gonna go home now, BYE!" and she ran off, still clutching her stomach. I stared after her for a good five minutes before following her out of the school towards my house.

*Ebony's POV*

No no no! Not now! Not while I finally have a best friend! Please dear God don't do this to me! I felt a new wave of pain sear through my body as I was passing Lupe's house. I wouldn't make it home. I fell to the ground, and Lupe's mother, Amina, ran outside and picked me up, pulling me into the house. NO! No I can't hurt them! I can't hurt Lupe! I tried to get out the door, but pain blocked out my senses, pulling me into oblivion.

*Lupe's POV* 

As I walking up the steps to my house, I heard a strangled scream. I ran into my house, slamming the door open with a bang. My eyes widened with horror as I took in what I saw. My father was laying in a pool of blood, his throat torn out. My eyes burned with tears and I let out a gut-wrenching sob. I started to step towards him, when I saw my mother, still thrashing slightly, with a wolf as black as night on top of her, teeth clamped around her throat. I screamed. My mother convulsed once more and was still.

The wolf let go and looked up, and snarl upon it bloody features. I stared it straight in the eyes, and it seemed to recognize me all of a sudden. It's form shimmered, and there stood Ebony, my best friend, blood smeared across her face. A new wave of horror swept through my body. No. This couldn't be happening.

"Lupe! I didn't mean it! I didn't mean to hurt them I swear! I tried to get away from them but the took me inside and I-" I cut her off.

"You KILLED them ! You killed my parents! You killed my family! You...YOU MONSTER! Get away from me!" She looked at me pitifully, as if that would change my mind.

"But Lupe you don't understand! Please just-"

"GET AWAY FROM ME! IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN I SWEAR ON MY PARENTS DEATHS THAT I WILL MURDER YOU LIKE YOU MURDERED THEM!!!" Pain colored her features, and she ran out the door, shifting into that awful wolf form as she did. I realized three things in that moment: That Werewolves were real, that I hated them, and that I would stop at nothing to see them all dead. Dead like the family I loved. 

As I stepped over the bodies of my parents, tears streaming across my face, a note seemed to appear out of thin air and flutter to the ground. I picked it up, and inside it read:

Dear Lupe,

I am incredibly sorry for your losses, and would like to offer you a chance to redeem their deaths. I offer you a chance to join the Hunter Academy, to learn how to fight and defeat the awful abominations that are Werewolves. So I ask you now, will you join me in the fight against them?

~Harker Slade, Headmaster

Looks like I'm getting the chance I wanted. I read over the note a second time, and whispered out loud.

"Yes. I will join you."

My life will never be the same.


Omg! So intense! What do you think? Do you appove of Lupe's choice to redeem her family? What do you think of Ebony? Should she have been forgiven? Vote/Comment/Fan!!!!!! :)

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