Chapter 7

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Woot Woot! Two chapters in one day! Don't ya love me?? :P so... this chapters more informative than action-oriented, but there is some violence ;) hope you enjoy!

Song I Listened To while Writing: Been To Hell by Hollywood Undead (This song I think fits the entire story, especially the line "welcome to a world where dreams become nighmares" :D)

Thats a ball-and-claw foot ---------->


*Lupe’s  POV*

Wow. My eyes roamed the dust covered rooms I had just uncovered. They looked as if they haven’t been touched in centuries. Perfectly preserved. The first room I saw was a sitting room, complete with a carved black marble fireplace. The general color scheme for the room was red and gold, and all the furniture was ball-and-claw-foot. It was simply gorgeous. Through the next doorway was the bedroom.

The most striking feature was a massive canopy bed, and the whole room had the same color scheme as the room before it. There was also a chair, a nightstand, and a vanity, all ball-and-claw foot too. There was a walk-in closet here also. Amazing.

Through the next doorway was a library. It was smaller than the one I was in earlier, but what made it more interesting was that all the books were about Werewolves and Hunters. I ran my hand along the fragile spines, admiring how well these books were kept safe from the elements. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the same carving as the one I touched on the far wall. I walked over to it, and pushed on the snarling wolf, the lock clicked and the door opened.  Ah. A hidden room within hidden rooms. That’s just awesome! I stepped through the doorway, and what I saw blew my mind.

At first glance the room didn’t look too special, just a simple study with a large wooden desk and chair. What I found curious though, was that the walls were stone. The other thing I noticed was that there was a book of some sort upon the desk. I approached, and sat down on the chair. I gently opened the book, and read the letter penned on the inside of the cover:

Dear Reader,

Congratulations, you have found my living quarters. Thrilling I know, but this hidden wing of the pack house has many more secrets in store. Firstly, you are probably curious as to why I have a hidden wing within this building. Well, it’s quite simple really, I have something to hide myself. I am not your average Werewolf. I was first a Hunter.

I paused in reading, processing this information. It’s surprising that the previous owner of these rooms was once a Hunter too. Is that why I was able to find it when it obviously hasn’t been used after the last owner vacated it? I continued to read.

The story of how I went from Werewolf to Hunter is a long and complicated one, but the most important thing you need to know is that I didn’t choose this. The reason the Shifters changed me in the first place was that I was apparently the soulmate of Evangelina, the current Alpha’s daughter. Oh! Dear me, I forgot to mention my own name. I am Melchior Van Cleve, Hunter of Shadows. 

The fact that you found this place proves that you, like me, is a Hunter-turned-Werewolf. I have wards placed that allow only those like me to be able to find and enter the Hidden Wing. They are broken now though, since you have walked through the door. It might be in your best interest to upgrade the door, making it more difficult to find the combination to open it. 

You are now my apprentice, meant to learn the art of hunting shadows. And maybe, in time, learning your place in this confusing world. But for now, go ahead and take a break. Clean the rooms, upgrade the lock, put your things inside. And think about how your going to go about doing this, because I am not here in person, and a book can only teach you so much. Rest, my newfound apprentice, and prepare yourself. Your life will now become a lot more complicated.

With Love,


P.S. Oh, and if you haven’t noticed before, there is an armory beyond this room. Just head to the west wall and press the stone that is three left of the very center. 

I closed the book gently, and rubbed my forehead. This was certainly a new turn of events. The fact that I found someone else who has had this problem is comforting though, to say the least. I stood up and decided to do as Melchior said, starting with the lock on the doors. 

It was actually pretty easy to make the door more complicated. All of the carvings had the ability to be pushed backwards, all I had to do was reroute the lock so that you needed to press the snarling wolf, the flying dove, and one of the irises in a certain order for the door to open. I moved back towards the study, and did the same with that door. Then I decided to check out the armory. 

I did as Melchior said in the letter, and the wall parted itself to reveal an impressive array of weapons. It was slightly smaller than the one in the Academy, but all of the weapons within were either weapons I liked and used well,  or ones I have been wanting to learn how to use. It was wonderful. I found a pair of black sai with vines carved throughout, and spun them around, testing their weight. Perfection. I also found a weapons belt, better than the one I had previously. This room will come in handy, I can tell already.

I put the sai and belt back, and retreated from the room, the wall closing up behind me. I  then started to work on cleaning the place up, and making it more livable. This was going to take a while. 


*Lex’s POV* 

Ow! I whimpered and hung my head, avoiding the higher-ranked Werewolf’s eyes. He was in a bad mood, and taking it out on me. A perfectly acceptable thing to do here. I hated it. Don’t they know what it does to me? 

“ANSWER ME BOY!” I flinched, and realized the Werewolf had asked me a question.

“I-I didn’t hear what you said sir...” His face contorted in anger, earning me another punch in the stomach.

“You worthless piece of scum, you are a waste of time!” He spat, kicking me in the shins before stalking off. I slid to the ground, gasping and trying to prevent tears from falling. Why does this always happen to me? Why couldn’t I have been higher-ranked? Why do they hate me so much? Why? Why why why?? Another Shifter walked past, glaring at me and kicking me as he walked by. I hurriedly stood up and limped to my room. I wish Lupe was here. Just so I can see her face. I needed a reason to keep living, and right now, she was my only reason. I needed her like I need the air I breathe, and we have only known each other for a few days. And, for some reason, I was okay with that. 


*Lupe’s POV*

I just finished beating the dust out of the bedsheets, and now I’m arranging the pillows neatly onto my newly-made bed. I stepped back and admired my handiwork. Fabulous. The Hidden Wing was now officially clean, and I loved how it turned out. Everything was even more gorgeous and high-quality than I first thought, and it was mine. I headed to the door, looking out of the sun on the door (which doubled as a peep-hole) into the corridor. When I was sure the coast was clear, I opened the door and headed out, the door locking when it closed back up.

I walked towards the smell of food, hungry for the first time in days, when I was violently yanked into a broom closet. I turned to glare at my captor, but my expression froze in place the minute I saw who it was. Ebony’s dark eyes stared into my blue ones, and she looked at me pleadingly.

“We need to talk.”


OMG! Ebony's back! didn't seriously think that Chapter 2 was the last time you would ever see her did you? Pfft. Never. ;) What do you think of what happened to Lex? Do you think Ebony and Lupe will become friends again? Vote/Comment/Fan!!!! :D 

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