Chapter 3

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Heey!!!!! So here's the next chap! If any of you were unhappy about her hatred of Werewolves, know that it might not stay like that ;) theres soo much more in store, so bear with me and keep reading! Oh, and sorry about the time gap, but the story mainly takes place when she's 16, so it would've dragged if I went through all the time in the Academy..... hope ya'll like it!!!!! :D

Song I'm Listening To While Writing: Mr. Know It All by Kelly Clarkson (another great song!!!! Love love LOVE it!!!!!!) 

Those are sai ------------>


2 1/2 years later

*Lupe's POV*

I stabbed the dummy once again with my sai, flipping them over my wrists and spinning them with agility. I flicked one of silver weapons in the dummy's direction with enough force to knock it off its beam. Bingo. I felt something shoot past me, and spun around to see another student shooting at me with their crossbow. Pfft. Idiot. I spun and jumped into the air, throwing both of my sai in his direction. I aimed true, and both sunk deep into the wall on either side of Carter's head. He gulped and sent a shaky smile in my direction. I smirked back and waved.

"HEY! Can ya throw those back to me or do I have to come get them?" He shook his head quickly and yanked the sai out of the wall, throwing them at me. I caught them with ease and flipped them around a little, showing off. A piercing whistle rang through the room, signaling lunch time. I slipped the sai into The black leather hoops on my weapons belt, and sauntered toward the mess hall. Carter sidled up beside me, and I gave him an easy smile, looking forward to lunch. 

"So, what are we eating today?" He thought about it for a moment.

"I think tuna casserole." My mood instantly soured, and I scowled at the banners that hung along the stone hallways. I hate tuna. Almost as much as I hate Werewolves. I grabbed some water and a salad, skipping out on the casserole, and sat down at a nearby table. Almost instantly a first year came up to me, looking both nervous and hopeful.

"Miss Vervaine? Sorry to bother you, but I've been training with sai, and your a master of the weapon...I was wondering if you could give me some pointers or something?" It was true. I was a master of the sai. What's more surprising to everyone is that I managed to master it in under two years. There was no secret method or special thing I did to become a master though. I just trained nonstop, and rarely slept until I could use the weapon blindfolded, with my hands and feet tied behind my back, in my sleep. My second weapon of choice is the whip, and I almost have that one mastered too. 

"Well, I have to train with my whip some more, but I suppose I can give you a short lesson tomorrow and 2:30?" The boy grinned happily and nodded, skipping off to tell his friends about it, no doubt. I smirked and leaned back in my seat, taking a bite of salad. Carter arrived soon after and sat down.

"Another adoring fan? Did you agree to give him a lesson?" he asked with a hint of a scowl. 

"Yep." He looked like he was going to break something, which was strange, considering he was one of the most happy and easygoing people here. I wonder what his problem is. I decided to ask.

"You okay? Whats your deal?" He just shook his head, eyes on his food. I shrugged. Whatever. Must not be important then. We finished eating in silence. As we were walking to our next class, History of Werewolves, I suddenly gave Carter a hug. He looked at me in astonishment. 

"Lupe? What was that for?" I smiled at him.

"To make you feel better. Don't want my friend to be upset now do we?" A genuine smile lit up his face, and he hugged me back. After a few seconds I gently separated myself from his embrace, and we walked into class.

My professor, Ms. Fang (ironic I know), started todays lecture with information on the different types of Werewolves. I made sure to take careful notes as she described them all.

"Now class, there are three types of Werewolves. The Shifters, the Rogues, and the Lycans. The Shifters are the least aggressive of the three, but still incredibly dangerous. At a seemingly random time, they transform, or shift, into an unusually large wolf. Aside from their size, the only thing that makes them look different than normal wolves is their eyes, which are the same as they would be in human form. After the first shift, they can transform at will. They have incredibly intricate social ties, and studies have proven they CAN exercise control against hurting humanity, but are still not human, and therefore a threat.

Secondly, there are Rogues, who  are incredibly similar to Shifters, to the point where they can be mistaken for them, but they are incredibly aggressive and cruel, and some are said to be able to make their eyes appear red. They will kill without hesitation, and are the most dangerous, because, like Shifters, after their first transformation they can shift at will.

Lastly, there are the Lycans. These are creatures that were previously human, but infected with a disease called Lycanthropy, which causes them to turn into a gruesome wolf-human hybrid. This is the Werewolf you saw in the movies people! They, unlike Shifters and Rogues, are affected by moon cycles, and only transform during a full moon. This makes them not as dangerous as Rogues, yet they could be considered worse during the full moon. They have absolutely no control when transformed, and kill anything that moves.

All Werewolves are affected by silver, but unlike what Hollywood says, it isn't poisonous. It merely weakens them, makes them less hyper-sensitive. It takes the edge off of their fighting skills, in other words. So do NOT make your silver weapons a life-raft. The only thing that will save you, in the end, is your own fighting skills." The bell rang, and everyone put their notes away.

"Good luck at your next class everyone! And remember what I told you, it just might save your life." With a wink and a smile, Ms. Fang left the classroom.

My next hour was a free period, so I headed up to my room to grab my whip. I picked it up off of its hook on the wall, looping it onto my belt, I noticed a note upon my desk. I opened it, and it stated:

Lupe Vervaine, 

I would appreciate it if you would head to my office the moment you read this letter, for I have a task for you to complete. Disregard any leftover classes today, it might take a while to plan this out.


Harker Slade, Headmaster

Looks like I have a task ahead of me.


This was a bit of a filler chapter, but the next one will have action I promise! (also it described all the Werewolf types, which we will probably see later in the story ;)    ) Whooo 3 chaps in one day! I'm on a roll! :D heeheehee Vote/Comment/Fan!!!!  (please lol)

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