Chapter 8

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OMG I'M SO SORRY!!!! *excuses excuses blah blah blah* in short, there was writer's block, and then I got irritated, and then there was school and whatever whatever I didn't get it done but I'm BACK :D so sorry for the retardedly long wait. ENJOY!!!

Akito wolf form --------------------------------------->


*Lupe’s POV*

“Lupe I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to kill your parents.” Unbelievable. Its like she think I’ll forgive her if she didn’t mean to. Yeah right. 

“Too bad they still died, huh? Too bad my life was ruined because of your ‘mistake’. Too bad there isn’t a day that goes by where I wonder where I would be now if they were alive. It’s just generally a sucky situation, huh?”. I gave her a bitter smile. I didn’t see the point in this conversation. I wouldn’t forgive her. My parents are DEAD because of her.

“You know what its like! You know theres no control that first transformation!” I laughed bitterly.

“Thats hilarious Ebony, because I had plenty of control. If your looking for pity and understanding because I’ve shifted now, your not getting any. You know why? Because I didn’t kill anyone when I first shifted.” I walked away then, leaving her with her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open.


I walked aimlessly through the corridors still steaming over Ebony’s stupidity. All of a sudden I heard someone yelp in pain. I dropped into a crouch and peered through the crack in the door. A white wolf was being attacked by some brute with an iron flail. 

“You useless idiot!” -smack- “I told you to watch the entrance” -smack- “NOT stare at some hot blonde in the distance!” -smack-. Oh crap. I’m pretty sure that “hot blonde” was me. Not to be egotistical. I knew the effect I had on the other gender. Whoops. Well, I can’t let someone get beat up over me now can I? Actually I COULD, but thats not the point. I kicked the door open and stepped inside.

*Lex’s POV*

  Oh God this hurt. It was all my fault. I should have been watching the entrance instead of staring at Lupe, but I couldn’t help it. This thug and his orders didn’t hold my attention like Lupe did. She’s so beautiful, and standing next to the other girl, she was like light incarnate to Ebony’s shadowed presence. 

They were a contradiction within themselves. Ebony is cold and sorrowful, yet there seemed to be a vindictiveness under the surface. You could find her smiling at other’s jokes, but when they turned away her face would twist with distaste. Lupe on the other hand, was angry, violent, and downright rude sometimes. Yet she fought with honor and she was loyal to those she thought worthy of her respect. She had a terrible past, I could tell. She was bitter because of that. Her good heart showed through her rough exterior though. I wish she was here now, just to see her face before I passed out from the pain. 

As if conjured from my own thoughts, the door snapped open with a thunderous bang and Lupe lowered her foot to the ground, stepping into the room. She had an irritated look on her face.

“What, pray tell, are you doing?” She asked that as if she already knew the answer, her eyes flashing dangerously. The idiot with the flail answered anyway.

“I’m beating this useless excuse for a wolf,” He pointed to me, and I flinched slightly. “He was supposed to be guarding the entrance, but he was too busy checking out ladies he will never have. There could have been a massive break in and he wouldn’t have noticed, judging by the way he was drooling after one she-wolf in particular.” He gave Lupe a once-over and I felt the hair on the nape of my neck rise. “Come to think of it, he was staring at YOU, woman.” Lupe’s lips lifted slightly, showing elongated fangs.

“Woman? My name is Lupe Vervaine, and you will do well to remember it.” The brute scoffed.

“And why exactly should I do that, woman? Your not of any importance to me.” Lupe smiled, and inwardly I grinned too.  That wolf stepped right into her trap. She shifted faster than I thought was possible and laughed, the sound sinister coming from the throat of a beast. She opened her mouth, exposing the rows of deadly-looking teeth, and spoke:

“Because, good man, I am going to beat you senseless.” 

*Lupe’s POV* 

I circled around the brute, assessing my options. Should I kill him? Should I maim him to the point where he will be out of commission for the rest of his life? Or should I just let him off with some scratches and a wounded pride? Hmmm...decisions decisions. I think I’ll just start with the minor wounds and work my way up. Yes, that sounds like a good plan.

I licked my lips and launched myself at him, dodging the clumsy swings of his flail with ease. I clamped down on his arm and he bellowed in pain, hitting me in the head with that accursed flail. He was in trouble now. That HURT. I twisted, ripping off some skin as I released his arm. I bunched my muscles and sprang at him a second time, and  my teeth latched onto his neck.

The man fell to the ground and froze when he felt my jaws on his throat. He started to shift, trying to wiggle his way out of my grasp. I released him for the moment, and reestablished my chokehold the moment he was fully in wolf form. Man, he was slow. Not to mention big. His wolf form was downright MASSIVE. Good thing I had him by the throat or I would probably be dog food right now. As it was, he was the one in the dangerous position. 

He whined, and spoke into my mind:

“Mistress, I apologize. I spoke too hastily. You obviously are the more dominant one here.” My my, the thug is articulate. Who knew? I tightened my hold slightly, and decided to reply, rather than ending his life.

“Whats your name, wolf?” He looked at me in disbelief and relaxed slightly, seemingly glad I decided to chat for a while. 

“Why, I’m Akito, the head of defense!” Oh I see. No wonder he was surprised. I heard his name quite often amongst the pack members.

“I see. Well, I suppose it wouldn’t be beneficial to kill you then. Then again, I was a Huntress before I became this beast. Why should I care?” He stiffened up again, and fear rolled off of him in waves.

“Please Huntress I beg you to spare me. My mate is with child. I would very much like to be there for her and my unborn babe. I implore you to let me live!” His mate is going to have a baby? Dang. He got me there. I have a soft spot to children. Particularly those who lost a parent. I released him and shifted back to my human form.

“You may live Akito. In return, leave this poor wolf be.” I paused and added: “I would very much like to meet your child when he or she is born, too.” I smirked at Akito. He shifted back and grinned, slapping my shoulder.

“Of course! Whatever you wish. Thanks for sparing me.” I laughed at his goofy-happy face. Well, this had certainly taken a turn for the better.

“Goodbye Lupe, and thanks again!” I gave him one of my genuine smiles.

“See ya around Akito.”


After he walked out I turned to the white wolf who was still sprawled on the floor, staring at me as if I had lost my marbles. I probably had. I stepped towards him. 

“Are you alright?” He grunted and shifted back slowly. I gasped at who it was. He glanced down at the floor, his white hair falling into his violet eyes. 

“Lex?! YOU were the one staring?” He fiddled with his torn and bloodied shirt.

“I....well yes.”

I. Can’t. Believe. This.       


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