Chapter 5

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Hey people! I've been slaving away on this chapter, and here it is! Hope you enjoy!!

And I'd like to thank everyone for voting for me, and thanks a million to Olloofagus for helping me out!!! (Best. Helper. Ever.   :D) 

Love y'all! Have fun readin'!!!



*Lupe’s POV*

I sat in the back of a box-truck, curling my whip around my hands again and again. I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into, only that I needed to save the Hunters without getting myself killed. Joy. I’m so thrilled. Really though, I was happy to get the chance to prove my worth, but this seemed so....unreal. Even more so than the idea of Werewolves actually existing and killing people, but I’ve had a chance to deal with THAT unreality for a while now. I was nervous, to say the least.

 I felt like I was on the edge of something big, like I’m standing on the threshold of a cliff, ready to be shoved off and tumble to my death. The fear that seemed to control me without my consent made me wary however, and I made sure to prepare every weapon I had for a battle that could commence at any moment. After that was finished, I paced back and forth within the moving vehicle. I don’t know what has gotten into me. I have fought Werewolves before, and killed them, but this was with a group, and there were those stronger and more experienced than me to rely on. This time it was just me. There was no one to have my back this time. For a second I wished Carter was here with me, but I pushed the thought away. He ruined our friendship, and besides, this is something I need to do alone. A few minutes later, the truck stopped moving and the driver called back to me, saying this is where I get off. It’s time for battle.

 I stepped quietly off the truck, sticking to the shadows and looking around the edge of the brick building I was up against. I heard some muffled clicking, and stiffened. I knew that sound. It was a Shifter in its wolf form, patrolling the building. Well, looks like I’m in the right place. I took a closer look at the building, and I realized that it was some sort of warehouse. I snorted quietly. How cliché. I scanned the immediate area and, deciding there isn’t anyone nearby, sauntered up to the side door of the warehouse. I turned the handle. Locked. I grabbed my lock-picks from a pocket in my leather pants, and pushed up on the tumblers. The lock clicked. I swung open the door, and an icy breeze whipped around my face. The room beyond was dim, and the lights flickered menacingly. My footsteps were silent as I crept through the entrance. 

 The second my foot touched down upon the cement floor, a growl ripped through the room to me from a shadowed corner in the room. I immediately grabbed two poison-dipped throwing knives, and sent them flying through the air towards the sound. I heard two muffled THUMPS, and the mystery wolf tumbled to the floor, howling in pain. A few seconds later, it stopped thrashing. The poison did its job. I went over to the corpse and retrieved the knives, wiping them clean on the wolf’s fur. I quickly re-dipped them in poison, and slid them back into their place on my belt. Not 30 seconds later, I heard a chorus of yips, howls, and growls heading towards me from the rooms ahead. They must have heard that Werwolf howl. Ugh. Won’t THIS be exciting?

 Eight Shifters bounded into the room, claws scraping against the floor, snarls contorting their faces. I pulled out my sai and twirled them through the air, quickly dispatching two of them. I sent one of my sai flying into the ribcage of one of the remaining wolves, leaving my right arm unguarded. I reached to grab my whip, but teeth sunk into my arm, tearing through my flesh. I drove my remaining sai through my attackers skull, and got ahold of my whip. I flicked it towards the nearest of the four wolves, the tip wrapping around its front legs, sending it sprawling. I grabbed some throwing knives and shot them towards the last few wolves. When all lay dead, I stepped towards the corpses, going to retrieve my weapons. I felt something sharp prick me from behind, and fell to the ground, tumbling into unconsciousness.


 I sat up quickly, launching back into consciousness, as I felt ice cold water pour down my back. Looking around, I realized I was in some sort of arena. An uncountable number of Shifters were in a circle around me, and a man that had black hair with a few streaks of grey was heading in my direction. I fought against the ropes wrapped around my body, trying to find a way to unknot them. The man chuckled darkly.

 “You won’t get those ropes unknotted darling. Now tell me, why does a pretty thing like yourself have anything to do with those Hunter’s we’ve been....taking care of?” I glared at him defiantly.

 “Don’t speak to me like that, dog. You will release me and my fellow Hunters or I’ll make sure your death is slow and painful.” He leaned close in to me, and I spat in his face. A growl ripped through his throat.

 “I was GOING to consider letting you live, girl, but now I’ve changed my mind.” He raised a gun to my forehead, and I stared straight into his eyes, unafraid. I wouldn’t let him scare me, even if my death was close at hand. They weren’t worth my fear. His finger started to squeeze the trigger, and I prepared myself for the impact. 

 Something white flashed in front of me, and the black-haired man was knocked to the ground. Right beside him stood a tall boy with hair as white as freshly fallen snow. I watched him as he pulled the man over to the side, whispering furiously. I didn’t know what to think. He just saved my life. 


 *Lex’s POV*

 I stood in the shadows in a corner of the arena, curious as to who was being interrogated this time. Hunters were rarely caught, so this was a pack treat. I pushed a little closer, muttering apologies as I tried to get a glimpse of who it was. Then I saw her. She was the most exquisite creature I have ever laid eyes on. Her hair was like spun gold, and tumbled down to her lower back. Her eyes were a deep, smokey blue. Her face was defiant as she stared into the eyes of Dameon, our Alpha. My wolf instantly recognized her, and I felt a joyful smile spread across my face. 

 I watched her, grinning like and idiot, until I saw Dameon bring out the gun. My wolf and I instantly started to panic. What is he doing?! Before I had a chance to think about it, I shifted and dove at him, knocking him to the ground. I turned back into human form and yanked him away from that beautiful girl.

 “What exactly do you think your doing?!” Snarled Dameon, looking like he was seriously considering shooting ME with his gun.

 “I’m sorry Alpha, but you can’t kill her!” He stared at me, and incredulous look on his face.

 “And WHY can’t I, may I ask?” I took a deep breath.

 “Because, sir, she’s my mate.”


 *Lupe’s POV*

I watched in confusion as a wide smile spread across the black-haired man’s face. He clapped the boy with the white hair on the back.

 “WELL THEN! This changes things now doesn’t it?” He bellowed loudly, and the boy nodded, smiling a little. The man I’m assuming is the Alpha strode towards me, and the crazy grin on his face scared me more than his snarling ever could. I leaned back from him.

 “W-what are you doing?” I stuttered nervously as he came still closer.

 “Well darling, I am going to make your life a living hell.” He launched toward me, shifting into a black and silver wolf. He sunk his teeth into my shoulder, and I cried out, and for the second time that day, I fell into oblivion.


WHOOO!!! Whatcha think? What do ya think of Lex so far? Like the fight scenes?? I had a GREAT time writing it, and I really hope you liked the chap!!! Vote/Comment/Fan!!!!!!!!!!

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