Entry #11 - Gnomes are remarkably bouncy

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(G11 - KT)

DAY 11

An easy day really, in comparison to how hectic things have been recently. Myself and Nobby had a lot of Curing and Restoration spells to cast on everyone anyway. Raz and Shifti were down at the Shadowshore asking about Vanthus. They found that he has a friend called Penkis and that they were seen at 'It Still Floats' a boat builders ran by a dwarf called Punchy. They decided to follow this lead up tomorrow.

I wrote a few letters in the evening and got all my notebooks up to date.

DAY 12

Lots of customers at the pie shop this morning! Raz had been spreading the good work yesterday.

Began asking questions around town about Livania's brother - Vanthus. Shifty and Raz went to the docks to see Punchy and I went to see Livania and we had a long chat.

I think we are becoming friends!

Anyway, she told me lots more about her brother and she told me he had, at one point, taken a lover in the Azure District. So later on, I met up with Nobby and we went to what seemed like the most logical inn to try there - the Pelican - and had a look around. We asked a few questions and it looked liked like he had not been around in a while. Found out his lovers name was Brissa Santos though a woman of somewhat dubious reputation.

But then, a moon elf called Shefton Rosk saw us and we talked to him. He said he could lead us to where Vanthus was hiding on Parrot Island (which lies just off Shadowshore District).

I paid him five gold for his trouble.

As arranged we met up with Raz and Shifty, then met Shefton at the market in the Merchant Quarter. We then hired a rowboat to get to the Island.

It was a rugged place and populated by hundreds of brightly coloured birds. I didn't have any time to study them though as Shefton lead us to a big trap door hidden under some branches.

Shefton opened the door and Shifty climbed down using a rope. Next was Raz, then me and then... well, we blundered at this point, because firstly Nobby fell down the shaft (gnomes are remarkably bouncy incidentally) and then none other than Livania's brother appeared at the top of the shaft, stabbed Shefton dead and threw his body down too! He then cut the rope and threw it down also.

I quickly cast 'spider climb' and scaled the shaft, much to Vanthus' surprise, but he closed the door and stood on it. I tried to push but lacked the strength. I did managed to reattach the rope though.

So, we decided to explore the passage that was down here. A corridor lead off to a door, that in turn lead to another corridor. This in turn lead to a door that opened into a larger chamber that was flooded at one end.

In this room we were assaulted by some sort of pirate zombie creatures and large nasty crabs fromthe water. I was badly injured during this scuffle but Nobby healed me. Mr Badgerington flew intoone of his rages and after being injured also, he killed one of the crabs.

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