1. When told to clap chalk erasers chuck them at the back of your teachers head.
2. Make a remake of the music video Wrecking Ball and run around the class naked screaming lyrics.
3. Invite an executioner over for tea during lunch.
4. Make out in the back of the classroom.
5. Start rapping when your teacher isn't looking.
6. Smack random people and blame it on the boy you like. (Unless your a guy but that's cool to)
7. Eat a pencil.
8. Twerk on the desk.
9. Throw eggs at your friend.
10. Then blame it on another friend.
11. Make them hate each other.
12. Smile evilly.
13. When you get detention for any of these great ideas, stand in the doorway refusing to enter. Earn another detention.
14. Pull the fire alarm screaming you lost your ipod.
15. Write 'kick me' on the white board in Sharpie.
16. When asked a question start giggling
17. Put your class meets up for auction.
18. Tell your teacher its not cool to act like they are old.
19. Ask your teacher if they have rabies.
20. When accused of something fill a spray bottle with kool-aid and spray them every time that said anything. Hiss at them repeatedly.
21. Play real life Sims in class and if a chair is in the way say "Adarr-knob-webee!" like the Sims do.
22. Rip apart random textbooks and start eating the paper and when somebody looks at you funny say its a top government mission.
23. Dress up like James Bond and roll into the class room then flip anybody who comes within three feet of you.
24. Smile all demented like and whisper "Silly morals," into your book.
25. Draw bikini models during class and moan softly when the teacher looks at you.
26. Take a life sized cardboard cutout of Harry from 1D and lick him. Usher him around to your classes.
27. Take a textbook home that wasn't needed for a test and say your holding it captive until you get an A+.
28. Build a fort out of desks. Start a club. Tell anyone who doesn't join the club will be pelted by meteors.
29. Bring your dog to class.
30. Smell random people and look like you just died.
31. Ask if you can dissect your biology teacher.
32. Stroke your book bag and loudly whisper to it "Can you breath in there?..."
33. Punch your desk as hard you can until you bleed then blame it on global-warming.
34. Tell your math teacher "We are tired of finding algebras, X. She doesn't love him anymore!"
35. Order pizza under your dogs name but have it brought to your teachers house.
36. Explain in great detail how you almost died from a paper cut.
37. Announce on the intercom that there will be try outs for the one woman show describing your life.
38. Come into class dressed as Link from Zelda.
39. Chew on gum loudly, ask your desk partners if they'd like a lick.
40. Ignore everything your teacher says for a big project then ask what your doing every few seconds.
41. Start a coughing fit and hope every will join in, and if they don't say "humans are lame..."
42. Draw you plans to take over the universe on your desk in neon metallic sparkling orange marker then accuse the stores of not having a selection of drawing utensils.
43. During silent reading read Harry Potters kissing seen with Cho extremely loud and when you get yelled at continue reading louder.
44. Do the dance moves to the song, Wop when the lunch bell rings.
45. After eating ice cream in lunch go up to your crush and plant a wet sloppy kiss on their forehead in front of your teacher than walk away twitching.
46. Don't die while doing these.
1001 Ways To Annoy People
Teen FictionOne day I thought, 'Wow I'm just really annoying... I should write a book on it!' That's how it happened. Satisfied?