(36) Ways To Annoy People At Sleep Overs

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1. Sing in your sleep about that one day.

2. Chuck potatos at peoples faces while they are sleeping.

3. Twitch and move way to much while trying to fall asleep.

4. Pee allover everyones clothing.

5. Invite slender man to the sleep over.

6. Mumble "Stupid humans..." While wiping your finger on a dirty window.

7. Read 1001 Ways To Annoy People outloud so you crack up every twenty seconds. If someone tells you to shut up smack them and continue laughing.

8. Eat a watermellon on someones face without them knowing.

9. Put there hand in warm water while they re sleeping then acuse them of having a bladder problem.

10. Put a pads all over your best friends body then when they wake up say it was the demon dementing you to do it.

11. Play the drums on peoples heads. (With sticks or drum sticks.)

12. Talk about Drayl Dixon to no end.

13. Tell everyone about your man crushes. (Loki, Hawkeye, Bruce Banner, and Daryl Dixon, as you probally knew already.)

14. Play radio active on a sterio as loud as it will go to wake up everyone because you had to pee.

15. Listen to Wrecking Ball then try to to reenact the music video.

16. Scream at people as they walk in the room.

17. Tell them you can't sleep without cuddling with someone. Then play inny-minnie to see who you'll spoon throughout the night.

18. Explain in great detail how your great great uncle died by being empaled before they go to sleep.

19. Make out with your pillow and moan softly every few seconds.

20. Bring a rapid cat to the sleep over.

21. Wait till everyone goes to sleep then poke there faces saying "You asleep yet? you asleep yet?"

22. Bite people and when they tell you to stop scream bloody murder.

23. Lock the hosts mom is the bathroom.

24. Present to be a snake and slither around everybody hissing.

25. Convince everyone to come to your bro-cave.

26. Order a to go dolphin to your friends house.


28. Take your best friends phone and ask her crush out to Biggy Burger on Friday the fourteenth.

29. Grow sea monkeys in the toilet.

30. But Snarkles and name them Joe. (By my sister).

31. Randomly laugh loudly and annoyingly until someone asks what's so funny. Refuse to say what it was and claim it was an inside joke. Do this all day.

32. Bring everything from your closet in a plastic bag then hang everything up in the host's closet. See what they say.

33. Volunteer to do the dishes. Smash everyone of them on the ground. Say your making something fun to do.

34. Sprawl out on the sofa/couch when someone wants sit down.

35. Explain in great detail how your first date with Daryl Dixon is going to go.

36. Paint all the walls in the house a warm shade of red. Say it's for global warming.

Heyo everyone. Sorry for this slow update... I tried. I really did. Just a huge writers block. BUT on the bright side I'm working on The New Girl. I know that's my most popular book so far so I wanted to do something special for my little peachiez. THAT'S A GOOD NAME.

From now on, you are all known as the Peachiez in the group of.... we need a group name. SUBMIT TITLES FOR THE PEACHIEZ GROUP NAME! lol this is so off topic. But thank you guys for understanding this was just a major set back for me. I'm trying to go back to where I update about twice a week on my different stories.

I love all my little Peachiez even if our triby thing is still small.

*spoiler--- (the next chappie is going to be how to annoy hobos!) gasp. I said nothing.


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