Chapter 4: Home Alone

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Beta Greg dropped me off at the pack house. He mumbled about some meeting he needed to go to; I didn't respond to him. As soon as I closed the door, he speeded off.I Moving up the driveway, I found the front door unlocked. Alpha didn't trust me with keys to the house, so he left it unlocked. No one in the pack would dare break into the pack house, so it was safe to leave the door unlocked.

I dropped my backpack by the front door and slipped my shoes off. Walking into the kitchen I found Luna sat the table looking at files. I creeped over to the basket on the counter and grabbed a apple. I tried to sneak out of the kitchen, but failed.

"Afternoon Aurora." She said.

"Afternoon Luna." I said as I turned around to greet her.

"Call me Isabella." Luna said.

I nodded and shuffled awkwardly in my spot. All I wanted to do was go upstairs and be alone, but I couldn't walk away from the Luna. It would be extremely rude and as a Omega, I could be hurt.

"Why are you so quiet?" Isabella asked me.

"I was raised to only talk when I need to." I said softly.

"You have such a beautiful voice, you should talk more." She said.

Isabella slipped all the files into a brief case. She started cleaning up the table so I used that time to make my great escape. I slipped into the living room and looked all the pictures around the walls.

"I'll be back later Aurora. I have a meeting with the Beta's all afternoon so you will get the house to yourself. We will be near by, don't be shy if you need anything." She said.

"Alright, take care." I said.

She went out the door and locked Looking around at the pictures I noticed Hunter wasn't in a lot of them. They were mostly of Alpha Loka and Luna Isabella. There was a few pictures of him as a baby. Only a single picture was hung up of Hunter as a teenager. He was holding his football helmet and had a huge smile on his face. I heard my phone virbate in my pocket. I pulled it out of my pocket and unlocked it. Looking down at the phone, I saw I had a text from Hunter.

"Are you home yet?" Hunter asked.

"Yes Alpha." I said back.

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked around. I looked at pictures and found more of ones with Hunter. I smiled at each of them. I looked at a painting of the Alpha, Luna, Hunter, and the Beta's. Mandy and Hunter sat in front of their parents. Everyone in the painting was smiling, even Mandy. I couldn't help but smile.

"I know what you're thinking." Mandy said from behind me.

I jumped at her voice and saw she was leaning against a wall. She had her arms crossed. and kept a straight face. I moved my eyebrows up. She moved her arms and started walking around.

"The school's bitch is actually smiling, Wow!" She said as she threw her hands in the air.

"I wasn't thinking that." I said.

"You're not thinking that now but just wait, you will." Mandy said.

"How do you know everyone thinks that?" I asked.

"Pack link, a lot of people forget we can each other when we shift." She said.

Mandy's eyes went from a brown to a dark black. I could feel the angry coming off her, but why was she was angry? She shook her head and her eyes went back to brown.

"Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours." Mandy growled.

"Agreed." I said.

Mandy rushed out of the room and upstairs. I heard the door slam and I sighed. I didn't know what I thought about her. With me being an Omega, I would have to listen to her, She is a Beta after all, the right hand man to the Alpha. I just shrugged it off and walked back into the living room.

"Good riddance." Ella laughed.

"Shut up Ella." I growled.

I walked over to the couch and stretched out. I grabbed the TV remote and turned the TV on. When it turned on, it was lest on Netflix. My phone vibrated again and I struggled to pull it out of my pocket. I finally pulled it out and looked at my phone.

"I'll be back around 6:30, see you then. xxx" Hunter said.

I locked my phone again and placed it beside me. I looked up at the clock and saw it was only 4 o'clock. I had two and a half hours to kill.

*A few hours later.*

I was snuggled up on the couch with a blanket. I had a bowl of popcorn and a drink. I looked up at the clock and saw it was 6:35. I sighed , Hunter was late. I stretched out and yawned. I watched Hercules and I was half way through Beauty and the Beast. I heard the door open and smelled the familiar smell. Hunter. I could smell him from a mile away. He dropped his bag on the floor and walked into the living room. He jumped onto the couch beside me.

"How was practice?" I asked not breaking eye contact with the TV.

"Great, how was your day?" He asked me.

"Boring." I said.

He turned and looked at the TV. He turned his head in confusion.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Beauty and the Beast." I said softy.

"I have never heard of it." Hunter said.

We watched it in silence. I looked up at Hunter once and a while. He was smiling throughout the movie. I smiled when I saw him smile. Near the end of the movie, I fell asleep. Woken up by Hunter moving a little. . I closed my eyes again and tried to fall back asleep. Hunter getting up woke me up again. I thought he was just going to go upstairs. I felt his arms go around me and pick me up. I pretended to be asleep because I didn't want him to put me down. He started walking to the stairs. I heard other footsteps coming towards us.

"Hunter why are you holding her like that?" Mandy growled.

I placed my hand on his chest and tried to hide my smile. Knowing it would make Mandy mad, I just wanted to see what she would say.

"She fell asleep on the couch, I'm bringing her upstairs." Hunter said.

"You should have just left her there." She growled.

Hunter let out a long breath. Mandy pushed past him.

"You can't break the treaty Hunter." Mandy said as she walked away.

Hunter started walking up the stairs and brought me to my room. He put me in my bed and pulled my blanket over me. Hunter plugged my phone in and set it on the night stand. He kissed my forehead and turned the light off. When I heard the door shut, . I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was 11 o'clock. I remembered then I had homework.

"Fuck it." I said to myself.

I put my phone back and put my head on the pillow. I fell asleep to me smiling and thinking about Hunter.

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