Chapter 4: The Deal

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Namjoon wondered why he'd said yes to the skating invitation. Areum had claimed the front seat, and she and Seulgi were chattering away, seemingly forgetting that anyone else was in the car. Chunhwa refused to look at him, staring out the window at the white-blanketed scenery.

He looked over at her again, only to see that she had nodded off. Her head was leaning against the window, cushioned by her hat.

Namjoon turned over his own hat in his hands, then tossed it onto the seat with his mask and scarf.

The car went over a bump, and he looked over at Chunhwa in time to catch her grumpy frown as she was startled awake. 

"We're almost there," Seulgi said over his shoulder.

Namjoon looked out the window, trying to recognize where they were. It had been a while since he'd been to this part of town.

When the car stopped, he pulled his hat low, then put on his mask and the scarf. He really didn't want to be recognized or chased today.


I rubbed my eyes. I couldn't believe that I'd fallen asleep, but I was just so tired. I had pushed myself pretty hard during finals week.

Getting out of the car, I pulled my hat a little more securely on my head. It was a little colder here, near the rink.

"Come on!" Seulgi called.

I gave a small groan as I stretched my neck and arms. While I fell asleep in the car almost every time I wasn't driving, it always left me sore.

Almost running to catch up to the others, I took deep breaths of the fresh, crisp winter air.

We put on our skates, and Seulgi grabbed Areum's hand and pulled her on the ice. I gingerly walked over to the ice and just stood for a moment, hanging onto the side.

"Are you going to skate or not?" Seulgi called.

"One minute," I called back. I was about to let go of the wall when Namjoon walked onto the ice. He had covered so much of his face that the only reason I knew it was him was because of his jacket, his height, and his really long legs.

He skated off, and I watched him with envy. How was it this easy for him? I slowly stepped away from the wall and slid on the ice, every muscle tense as I just waited to fall. This hadn't been a good idea.

I winced as Seulgi and Areum swooshed by. "You're getting the hang of it!" Areum called.

Like heck I am, I thought to myself. I was finally picking up some speed when Namjoon skated directly in front of me and I fell over.

"Yah! Watch it!" I couldn't help yelling. My legs hurt, but nothing seemed seriously injured.

He came back and stopped in front of me as I struggled to get up. "What did you say?"

I suddenly blushed. I'd forgotten for a moment that he was a stranger now, and not someone to disrespect like that. "Sorry. It was nothing."

Namjoon seemed taken aback for a moment. "Well, I'm sorry too, that you fell."

"Just try not to skate too close, please?" I struggled to stand up, but pushed his offered hand away. Stupid boy who couldn't look where he was going!

"Will do." He watched as I carefully balanced myself on the thin blades. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said, embarrassed to have fallen.

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