Chapter 26: Helpless

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A/N: You may want to review the end of last chapter to remind yourself where we left off because this chapter continues Ch. 25 (and it's been a disgracefully long time since I updated). Sorry, and thanks for reading!


"You too, dumbass," I said, and just had to mentally roll my eyes at what was coming out of my mouth. I needed to get to bed.

Namjoon shook his head and said, "Goodnight, smartass," then headed to the stairs. I shut the door heavily and turned, tripped on the suitcase Namjoon had set down, and wavered in the air for a moment, arms careening wildly. Catching myself on the counter, I chuckled without much humor. This kid really was trying to get me killed.

Kicking off my shoes, I turned and walked through the miniscule kitchen, scanning the counter for a note. Hm, there didn't seem to be one - and Jisuk always left at least something for me so I'd know where she was. Maybe she was asleep?

But no; walking further into the apartment, I could see that her door was slightly open. Jisuk had this thing about blocking her door completely open when she slept - probably because when the heat or (fitful) a/c turned on, the door would move with the air currents if it wasn't fixed. I preferred to just close the door, rather than stuff a sweater under it to keep it open, but Jisuk was more into the chaotic side of things.

I took out my phone to text her, steps slowing because I was just too exhausted to be able to type and walk at the same time. Leaning against the counter, I typed the message. Hey Jisuk, where are you?

I heard something fall in her room, and sighed. Speaking of chaos... she had one single bookshelf in her room, and it was really almost a talent how many things she could fit on there.

Rolling my neck, I set my phone on the counter with a mental note to plug it in to charge later and went to see what had finally succumbed to the call of gravity this time.

Eyelids heavy with the late hour, I reached into Jisuk's room and flipped the light. Before I could even look at the bookshelf, my eyes were arrested by the sight of a crumpled body on the floor by the bed.

Jisuk! I flew over and knelt by her, checking her for a pulse. There was one – thank god. Had she fainted or something? Gotten sick?

I gently shook her, but there was no response. I needed help. Maybe Namjoon was still within earshot; it was worth a try. "Namj–"

A hand closed over my mouth and I screamed so hard my throat felt raw.

I tried to wrestle loose from the grip, but this was a strong male body holding me. His other hand came around to hold my chest and haul me up, and as I kicked and threw my weight around I was dragged to the bathroom.

He came to a halt with us both facing the mirror. The face in the reflection was the man who'd followed me for months at a time – Creepface.

I tried to get leverage to kick him, but he laughed softly and slammed my head into the sink. Looking back up into the mirror, I saw a gash in my forehead, and blinked away a trace of dizziness.

Moving my mouth against the sealed hand, I tried to bite it, but he slammed my head down again, and black clouded over my vision for a moment.

He was too strong. Too impassive.

When he saw I was struggling against faintness, Creepface used the hand that wasn't keeping me quiet to pull something out of his jacket. He spread them out on the sink –

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