Chapter 36: Curious Minds

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A/N: I hope the semi-long chapter makes up for how long it's been since I updated! Thank you once again, SO much, for reading <3 

Also, I do not own any of the pictures used in this chapter! I found them on Google when doing research and thought it would be neat to include them. I hope you'll enjoy! 


"If you're trying to make me fall," I warned as Namjoon skated directly in front of me for the fourth time that day, "the retribution for such an action would be swift and terrible, I assure you."

He laughed, skating up to my side. "No, I'm just marveling at the fact that you haven't fallen over yet. Just a few months ago I could pretty much breathe in your direction and you would fall, but now I could probably push you over and you'd be fine."

"Do not test that theory," I said, holding up a hand as I skated beside him. "I've been having a pretty good night of skating and I'd be quite upset to fall now."

"You have been having a good night so far," he agreed. "I'm telling you, you're going to beat me in a race one of these days."

I gave a skeptical laugh. "I'd rather just leave that in the realm of your imagination. No races for me."

"Oh come on, it would be fun," he said, digging into the ice and drawing slightly ahead. "How else will we ever know how good you've truly become?"

"Uh, by how few times I fall?" I sped up a bit, catching up to him. "I think that's a better measure than my speed."

"Maybe." He shrugged, looking over at me. "So, other than writer's block on the paper for that one class, how are things going for you?"

"Oh, pretty well! If I could just figure out what the heck to write about things would be going pretty great actually." I sighed. "On the one hand I really like having the freedom to pick from such a wide variety of topics, but on the other it would be really nice to just be handed something and be told 'Here, write about this' because then if it was difficult or uninteresting it's not my fault for choosing wrong."

"I can understand that." He slowed a bit as he unbuttoned his coat, and I slowed to match.

"Oh yeah I bet, you can probably write about almost anything you want for your songs. How do you choose when you have so much to pick from?"

"It's just whatever inspires me, I guess? And if I think it's promising I have to try to keep going and finish it even if I'm not feeling particularly inspired anymore. It varies from song to song."

"Nice." Someone several meters in front of me fell down and I briefly panicked before slowing and moving to the side, skating behind Namjoon as he gave the guy a wide berth. Once we were past, I untensed and skated up to be next to Namjoon again.

He looked over at me, a smile growing. "You really are improving a lot. If that had happened even a month ago, you would have been grabbing my arm with both hands or falling down, or maybe both." He laughed.

"I told you," I said, making a face at him. "I'm a lot better at this."

"I never doubted that." He paused, reaching out a hand to skim it along the clear plexiglass walls. "I kind of miss the times when you were clutching my hand desperately and trying not to die, though. It was cute."

I almost snorted. "Cute? It was frustrating."


Shaking my head with a laugh, I shoved his arm. He drifted a short distance away before skating back to me. "Whatever you say, dude. At least I'm not dragging you down now."

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