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3 Months Later


Mary-Ann left her door, and went straight to the bus. She was about to go on her fourth ultrasound. It turned out that Tyler did rape her. Mary-Ann decided not to press charges only if he was a man enough, and take care of the baby. He quickly agreed and ever since that day, It was the only think that Mary-Ann could think of. Tyler. Tyler always went with her to the ultrasound, but today he couldn't since he was on tour. Tyler took so much care of the baby that Mary-Ann was grateful. Grateful that someone actually was actually faithful to her. Even though he raped her, Mary-Ann still thought he was more of a man than Josh. She still remembers that fateful night. When her friend told her that Josh was dating another girl. After that day, Mary-Ann posted that she was pregnant. Then Josh kept texting her all the day. She obviously didn't answer. She didn't want to fall for him again, and then get her heart broken. Josh texted her every single day, and he still does. Mary-Ann would get at least 70 texts from him. Mary-Ann decided to finally text him back.

Mary-Ann: Stop texting me! Go back to your girlfriend! And stop fucking with me!

She put her phone in her purse and waited for the bus. Mary-Ann never knew that she would have a kid. Especially at 14 years old. Shit, she never even wanted kids. She always wanted to have a house, A career, and a father. Someone who would actually take care of her child when she did choose to have one. She didn't want to abort. She was against it since she was 6 years old. She remembered when her mother aborted her little brother only 4 months in the stomach. he was already developed and her ignorant mother still chose to kill him. Mary-Ann cried so much that day, she never wanted to see her mother again. That's when she decided to never abort a child that she would have. No matter the circumstances. The bus stop was filled with people of all different types. Hobos, Underage mothers, Children age 9 and under, all types of people. Mary-Ann thought of herself in one of those underage mothers. She felt her stomach growl. It wasn't a growl. It was her child kicking her stomach. She laughed at the feeling of him kicking and fought the tears because she didn't have the father there to witness it.

Mary-Ann hopped on the bus and sat down. She took her phone out since it was a 45-minute drive there. Mary-Ann had 12 messages. 11 from Josh, and one from Tyler. She opened Tyler's message. It was a picture of him at a baby shop.

Tyler: Remember to tell me the sex of the baby so I can buy some stuff here!

Mary-Ann: OK better be some cute stuff ;)

Mary-Ann remember why she was going to the ultrasound. She was gonna finally know the gender of her baby. She always wanted a girl, but Tyler wanted a boy. She could never find out why he wanted a boy, but that didn't mind her. All the baby talk in her mind made her forget about her friend Natalie. Ever since her friend found out that Mary-Ann did get raped by Tyler, she hasn't spoke to her since. Natalie really liked Tyler, and now that she saw that she would rather go to Mary-Ann, well made her mad. Natalie wanted Tyler so badly. Natalie relapsed, and had to go back to therapy. She started to cut herself again. It wasn't because she wanted to, it is because she felt the necessity to do it at all times. She needed her friend to support her, but of course because of her grudge with Mary-Ann, there she is alone and deserted. Of course, Mary-Ann didn't know none of this. Mary-Ann put on her headphones, and put on her music to listen to. It was "Car radio". It was the only thing that made Mary-Ann go further into this child that she had in her stomach. She slowly closed her eyes. By the time she knew it.

She reopened her eyes to the sight of the hospital. 

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