Food Piosoning

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I'm woken up by a sick feeling in my stomach. I run to the bathroom and throw up. "God that's gross" I mumble to myself before throwing up again.

Must of ate something bad last night.

I got off the floor and brush teeth then go back to bed.

"Hey Blair you okay?" I hear Hayes ask. I look at the door, where he was and nodded.

"I think I got food poisoning." I groan.

"Oh ok. Just come get me if you need me." He smiles.

"Ok, dad." I laugh.

"Aye you can only call my daddy." He says point a finger at me.

I cringe and say, "Ew. No. Get out my room." I throw a small pillow at him.

"Goodnight, Blair."

"Goodnight, Hayes."


"Blair. Blair get up." I hear someone say in m ear.

"BLAIR!" They scream really loud.

"IM UP!" I yell and jump up, causing me and Cameron to bump heads.

"Ow!" He says. I laugh at him.

"I'm taking you to the doctors." He says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Hayes said you might have food poisoning so I'm taking you to if you really do."

"Oh. Okay. Let me get ready."

He walks out of room as I go to get clothes.

I decided on a red halter top and pair of Jean shorts.

After I was done I brushed out my hair and put on some powder. It was way to early to do anything big with makeup.

I look in the mirror one last time and as I expected. I look fat.

I turn to the side and I realize I did indeed get chubbier.

I've been getting chubbier for the past month or so. It's really weird.

"Come on Blair!" Cameron calls. I slip on some sandals, grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.


"Blair Dallas." The nurse calls. Me and Cameron get up and follow her to the weigh and height things.

Ok I need you to take off your shoes and step on this weigher.

I did as told then the number popped up. 128. 4. That's three more pounds then my last check up.

"Alrighty now stand under this." She checks my height, which was the same, then we follow her to the room.

"The doctor should be here soon." She smiles. We both small and wave then she leaves.

"I've gained weight." I tell him.

"So? Why does it matter? Not like people are going to notice." Cameron says.

I'm fat.

"No you aren't, Blair. Stop saying that." Oops. I guess I said that out loud.

I roll my eyes just as the doctor came in.

"So. Blair I heard you have food poisoning." Dr. Wilson says.

"Well we don't know for sure. That's why I came to get a check up. Just to make sure." Cameron says.

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