Maybe Its For The Best

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"I'm going to miss you Cameron." I hug my big brother. I could feel his tears on my shoulder.

"Please don't leave. I need you and my little Conner." He frowns touching Conners chubby cheek.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing here for me anymore." I sigh trying to hold back tears.

"Goodbye, Cameron." I pick up the rest mine and Conners luggage and walk to the car with Conner on my hip and tears going down my face.

-25 hours earlier-

I run a hand through my hair.

I can't do this. Seeing him just reminds me too much of everything.

"God what am I going to do?" I cry sitting on my bed.

It's too much stress. Having him near me. Everything he could of been was flushed down the drain that day.

I lay back and stare at the ceiling. I couldn't help but have tears form in my eyes.

My baby can't grow up without a dad but he has too. He's ran out of people to be there. There was only two I trusted and I have neither now.

I need to leave. I can't be here.

I need a new start. I don't even want to go back to my mom.

Bella has told me that she goes to school in Anaheim with her cousin and she needs a roomy in her house. I could move there. I mean she has her cousin but he's never really home.

It's only 2 hours away from LA. Cameron could come every now and then to see Conner.
Mom and Sierra could come down too.

"Blair? Are you okay?" Cameron asks coming into my room.

I sighed and looked at him.

"Hey, hey, why are you crying." I lean up as he sits next to me.

"It's too hard, Cameron. I can't keep seeing his face." I put my head on his shoulder.

"Listen, Blair. I know you loved him but you have to move on." He puts his arm around me.

"Exactly. That's why I'm leaving."

"What?" He backs away from me.

"I'm sorry Cameron." He gets up from the bed, he's clearly pissed off.

"How could you do this?! You can't take away my nephew and you can't take away yourself! You're the only family that I ever really see! You're my best fucking friend, Blair! How could you do this?!" He yells.

"Cameron be quiet Conner is sleeping." I shush him.

"How could you do this to me?" His eyes start to tear up.

"I just can't handle it. It'll be the best thing for me and my son." I say and look down.

He sighs and squats down me. He lifts my chin with his finger then kisses my cheek. "Just please not too far." A tear falls.

I nod and hug him.

"I'm calling Bella and see if I can stay with her. She lives in Anaheim with her cousin."

"That's not far. I'll be able to come every weekends to least." He smiles.

"I need to call her. So I'll tell you what happens after that." I smile.

"Okay, baby sis. I'll be downstairs." He kisses my head and leaves.

I dial Bella's number. After 3 rings she picks up.

Little Dallas • Cameron Dallas FanFic *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now