Get Out

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"Can you stop kicking please." I say looking down at my belly.

I'm huge now, and my baby boy is definitely a soccer player. He never stops moving. Well he does when he sleeps. Thank god that's usually at night. I'm now 8 months pregnant and have a week until I'm 9, so that means Conner can come anywhere between now and two weeks after I'm 9 months.

"Here let me talk." Nash says.

He moves from the end of the couch to where I am.

He puts both hands on my belly and rubs it a little before speaking, "Hi Conner, it's your uncle Nashty." I laugh at what he called himself, "How about we make a deal. If I go get your mom some yummy ice cream for you will you stop kicking her in the ribs." He smiles up at me. I smile after waiting a couple seconds to see if he would kick. "Well I guess that means you're getting me ice cream?" I laugh.

"I guess so." Nash laughs and gets up. "I'll be back soon." He kisses my head then gets his keys, leaving the house.

Everyone was gone today. Hayes was with Tez doing god knows what, Cameron went with Aaron to the zoo, because that totally makes since, and Nash decided to come over to hang out with me since Taylor(G) was having a naked diaries party at their house.

As for the rest of the boys, JJ, G, and Madison are going to the studio to record a song, Molly and Taylor are at an appointment for Molly, Matt is with his new girlfriend and yeah that's all I know of.

When I thought he was form kicking, he gets me really hard.

"Ouch!" I jump up a little and put my hand on my stomach.

"Conner. Be nice." I laugh but feel another really hard kick. "Ow!" I shout.

Oh no. I feel something trickle down my leg.

"Not now, Conner, I'm not ready. Not now!" He kicks again.

I start to cry as I begin to think of what was about to happen.

"Okay I guess you're not taking no as an answer." I mutter.

I get off the couch, well wiggle myself up, and walk over to where we keep all the keys.

"Guess I'm going alone." I take a deep breath.

I get my keys off the hook and open the door.

I get in the car and crank it up. I feel another sharp pain bur it wasn't as bad as the others.

I put a timer on my phone to time my contractions.

The hospital is 20 minutes away, so this will be one hell of a ride.

I pull out the drive way and about held way down my road a get another kick. I stop the timer and look at it. 5:10. 5 minutes and 10 seconds apart.

"Okay." I breath.


"Ah!" I scream holding onto the railing of the bad.

"Just breath miss Dallas. Do you have anybody we can call?" The nurse asks coming by my side.

"M-my brother. His number is **********." I tell her stuttering over my words.

She nods her head and leaves the room.

I take deep breaths until she comes back. "He will be here shortly, until then we need you to stay calm, stress can cause some problems. The best thing for you and your little boy is for you to be calm." She tells me.

After about 10 minutes waiting for my brother him and Aaron walk through the doors.

"Blair." He says rushing to my side.

Little Dallas • Cameron Dallas FanFic *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now