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{Chapter 9: MINE!}

"DADDY" Rosalie yells wearing a cheerleading outfit that Riley made her wear, Axel, Nathan, and Lucas following behind her. "DADDY!" Axel and Nathan yell mocking the girl.

"Do you guys always yell as you walk into your house?" Lucas questions as he closed the door behind him. It was the weekend so he was sleeping over, Rosie's orders. "Yup" The three replied shrugging.

"What" The twins father whines coming from the kitchen. "Guess who made the cheerleading team!" Rosie yelled excitedly.

"You said she was bad" The soldier whisper yells at Axel. "I don't want my little girl, being looked at by boys" The man said then looking at his son then Lucas when he said boys.

"To late for that, sir" Lucas says chuckling then stopped when he got a glare. "Not me" The boy quickly adds.

"If you let me be a cheerleader I'll join soccer next year" Rosie said hoping he'd agree. "You said mom was a cheerleader, so I want to be one too" Rose added quietly.

"I would have said yes anyway" The father said hugging his daughter. "But your still joining soccer for me then" He added trying to lighten up the mood which worked, she laughed.

"Is Riley and Maya cheerleading too?" The father added as he let go of his daughter. "No they didn't, but I told Riley how mom was a cheerleader before tryouts and said I should still be on the team" Rosalie said smiling at the end.

"Where were you boys during all of this?" The father said getting the kids food. "Baseball" The three boys answered.

"Make the team?" The twins father asked raising an eyebrow, the three nodded smirking at one another. "Position?" He questioned again.

"Short Stop" Lucas starts. "Catcher" Axel answered smiling.

"Pitcher" Nathan says smirking. "Congratulations boys. But you got Pitcher" The man ends yelling hugging his son as Rosie just laughs, you see the father tells his kids many stories of when he was in high school and being the pitcher on his baseball team was one of them, he was also a soccer player that's where his daughter comes to play.

"I say we celebrate with Teen Wolf and Ice Cream" Rose yells. Yeah!" The boys yell not caring just excited.

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